

The mysterious lady
The scandal could ring the death of his career. The naked woman in his bed lay with unseeing eyes staring at him. He stood over her with a knife in his hand and no memory of who she was or why he had killed her. Thoughts racing through his head and panic setting in, he calmed his mind down and begin to think of where he had seen this fare Lady; that now lay dead in his bed. He seemed to remember his mother telling him of a lady she had meet; in budapest, that had the power to transport herself from one place to the other, by simply blinking three times. He had dismissed it as mere superstition or myth, but laying before him was no myth, this was reality. Why did she choose to find him, he thought to himself. I am only a Journalist. Before he could think of anything, the phone rang, which pulled him out of his train of thought. Dr. Adams ran over to the phone and quickly answered it. Hello Dr. Adams this is Madame Mere, I called to see if you were coming to Paris this Season, we have a spot on our committee that has just opened up. With fearful hesitation Dr. Adams told the old lady that he was so busy and could not be there for the conferences this season. He hang up the phone and quickly wrapped up the beautiful lady, which still lay in n his bed, loaded her in his car and went to the family crip. There he buried her and and her secrets,which were many. Now she could join those who had went before her, where she could be free to begin a whole new existence, amoung the stars, on a distant planet far away. After a breif prayer, he got in his car and went back to work. Leaving the mysterious lady as a distant memory.
© Monica Bertrand