

Chapter 5
"The landscape is even better than in the game. Everything feels so surreal. I better get going so I don't miss him.", he said and made a running jump. He spread his arms and glided towards the location Dana gave him.

After a while he could be a bunch of military personnel stationed in a location. There was also a military tank in the middle.
He got up on a roof top to get a better view.
"40 soilders. The ones with Bazookas are stationed on the top floor of the building. I should still be able to take down those on the top floor first with my disguise. Then the one's watching out should just be a cake", he thought carefully and said.
"It's hunting time!!"
He switched disguise and shape-shifted into the commander of BLACKWATCH that he consumed when he went to rescue Dana.
He casually walked over to the building and ascended the flight of stairs until he got to the second floor.
"Good Afternoon, Commander", One soilder said and stood at attention.
"At ease Soilder.", he said.
The soilder turned his back and walked away while holding his bazooka.
Without giving them time to figure things out, he grabbed the soilder and immediately consumed him...

* Ding! *
»» Bazooka skill Lv1 ««
Des: Better proficiency at using bazookas. Consume special targets to increase skill level.

He quickly grabbed the bazooka and fired it at the rest of them, creating huge explosion.
"Well... that was pretty easy.", he said and jumped down.
Immediately both arms became claws.
The soilders formed a line and started shooting at him while guarding the tank.
He looked up and saw an helicopter some kilometres away flying towards them.
"I better be quick. The convoy's almost here", he said and cracked his bones and immediately dug his claws into the ground.
Large spiked shot out from the ground, killing the five soilders at the area of impact. He dashed towards the rest and slashed the claws at them.
After a short while they were all dead.
*** Fsssshhhh *** Kaboooom ***
The incessant firing of missiles from the tank was slowly but surely getting on his nerves.
"I wished I had the tank operating skill now. How can I force this crazy son of a b*tch out of that god damned tank?", he shouted and changed his claws into shield instead.
He used all his energy and dashed placing the shield in front. He rammed the tank, he repeated the process but it didn't work.
Seeing that it was futile he left and went to an uncrowded street to recover.
"How am I gonna do this", he thought.

After a while, the convoy arrived.
After receiving the clear command, he quickly climbed out of the tank and ran towards the helicopter with a smile on his face.
** Boooomm!!! **
Debris flew all over the floor coupled with symbiotic tendrils moving around.
The dust quickly clears up. Alex, who already Simon was holding his head in pain as a sudden surge of memories quickly pass by his eyes.

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