

conversation between uh n failure.
Failure teaches uh.
Failur: I m here becoz uh were overconfident.
Me : i just hoped too much.
Failure: today uh will know who actually means uh
Me : yup really i did.
Failure : just remember one thing
Me : i'll wait.
Failure : each day i'll come to uh.
For now just face me.
Me : i m not strong. Once i would be but people will not stop telling n teasing me.
I would be not able to get up n more not be able to move onn.
Failure : that's is y i m here.
To teach uh how to face me.
Me : i m being week now.
Can't handle this teasing off world.
Failure : i'll come uh every time.
Uh have to face me
N i promise uh i'll make strong.
Me: i'll try my best.
Failure : uh have to be tough to
handle this stuff.
Me : i'll try.
