

THE FAMILY; Judging Matters and reconciliation in the Spirit of Love
Fight and quarrels are sometimes or most times inevitable in a family. When parents fight, we should know that none is without fault, the difference is who is more faulty.

But the solution is not in who is more faulty but How will both party first realize their mistakes and take a step towards reconciliation. The Prodigal son took a step of recognising his mistakes, his shortcomings before he proceeded to reconciling. His return to the Father is already a proof of true repentance and then he was showered with so much love that was already available for him but which he could not see. So also there are treasures and riches hidden in Marriage and the family which we will never see unless we return to the Spirit of Love and Oneness. This also is secret the Body of Christ should learn; until we return to and in the Spirit of Love, there are possibilities for us in God that we will never unlock nor walk in. The Spirit of Love destroys the spirit and power of division.

A good and right heart structure is critically needed. Openness and a good and balanced communication is necessary. A heart that forgives even beforehand, ready to let go of all things. A Soul that is willing to welcome a new change and development is needed in the family.

Subjection and Love is the two pillar that brings a about a healthy Marriage and Love.

If you want to have a full light so Bright to detect, even the rudiment and trace of darkness of every matter is to never be two eyed, but to be single eyed; For the Scriptures says *"If your eyes be single, you will be full of light"*

The singularity in your eyes in this case means to never be partial, nor pervert judgement, to always weigh and consider matters well and to standardize and reconcile them in Christ; For in Christ all things derived their unity.
By so doing matters will be rightly judged in the spirit of Love leaving behind partiality, and hypocrisy.

Don't just put blame on one and neglect the other; the one you vindicated might be the first cause of everything that stimulated the other party to go wild, simply because the other party might be or was not strong enough to curb that hurt.

For a family and marriage to work out and stand, it is the duty and the responsibility of both party. Leaving the other alone for everything is a step into a failed relationship and Marriage.

As for the woman who was prepared to be an helper, she helps in Every case; Both in the man's Strength and in Weakness. Leaving this responsibility is a failure. Weaknesses are to be built up into Strength and Strength also built up the more like the rise of an edifice.

As to the man, he was prepared to be the head, when he neglect this responsibility and the woman begins to take it or no one was even capable of taking it, that also is a failure.

Let the head be head and the helper be helper. Being the head does not necessarily mean the one who must be financially buoyant, there are cases where the woman is the one who has more financial stability. But it is expected as the head to be financially stable. So, recognising the head is Paramount in Every matter.

There won't be need for subjection if authority (headship) isn't created and vice versa; this then implies that we exist for ourselves. There is the poor and the rich, they both coexist; a community where they both are differentiated and preference is given to one than the other is a falling community, such community will be thrown in total darkness and chaos and such community will never achieve anything nor move forward.

The secret to all is Unity, togetherness and Oneness in the Spirit of Love. This is the right foundation upon which all things should be planted. A right spectacular from whence our perspectives, our philosophies and our orientations coupled with speculations should be defined. It should be a standpoint from where we will describe our view. The Spirit of Love supplied Wisdom whose origin is from above which is neither earthly, sensual, devilish nor sensual. But rather it is pure, full of Grace, easy to be intreated etc *(James3:13-18)*

In such community, God is welcome and permitted to operate. The building Block of community is the family, so this is the pillar that should hold every family if we will ever see a trace of change.

Let the head not be monarchial, the family is democratic, it is a decision made in a round table; they both *fellowship* together and make a decision, *the oneness in their heart* enables them to quickly *submit* to each other. The head should not high exalt himself; this is why we need every believer to mature into the Fatherhood and under the governing authority of the Supreme Head and Lord- Christ Jesus.

This is where we learn this things; that as we become him in all things, we also will live and walk as him in all things including the family order.
