

The right guy
Maya woke up to the sound of her alarm.

Maya was dark-skinned and 5'5 short hair that came to her shoulders. Medium size titties with a big butt.

Maya got out of bed to go shower. Once out of the shower she dried off and went to her closet. She had this light pink suit that she had been dying to try on. Maya put her suit on. Checking herself in the mirror, it fitted her just right. Maya fixed her hair, put on some lipstick, and eyeliner, and headed out the door.

Maya stayed in a good neighborhood. She got a 3-bedroom house just for her.

Ring ring ring

"Hello"? Maya said

"Good morning sis," Mason said

Mason was Maya's twin brother it was always them two since they got adopted together.

"Good morning bro," Maya said

"You got time to grab lunch around noon?" Mason said

"I don't know what time I'll be out of this interview. But I'll let you know" Maya said

"Alright. Just let me know before noon sis. Bye love you" Mason said hanging up

20 minutes passed and Maya finally made it to her interview. She got out looking at this tall building not knowing what she was going into, but she was ready.

"Good morning I have an interview with ummmm....."

"Greg staples?" The employee said

"Yes, I'm sorry. Trying to get everything together" Maya said

Maya was nervous as fuck knowing she was about to have a direct interview with the most-paid billionaire

"It's okay. Follow me he's been waiting" the employee said

Maya followed the employee down to his office.
Maya opened the door looking at Greg standing in the window and looking down at the city of New York.

"Good morning Mr. Staples," Maya said

Greg turned around looking at Maya. Once he laid eyes on Maya he didn't wanna look away.

"Good morning Maya," Greg said

"Sit down. Tell me about yourself and what made you apply here?" Greg said

"Well, I'm originally from Chicago but moved to New York with my twin brother 5 years ago. I started doing hair for the next 5 years of my life. I love it don't get me wrong but my major was always law. And I wanted to see where the law would take me next. I've got my law degree right here if you wanna look at it" Maya said searching for her degree

"No need. I like what I hear. I looked over everything about you already and I think you will be a great fit here" Greg said looking at Maya in the eyes.

"Seriously," Maya said getting excited

"Yes, I'm serious. So you from Chicago? Which part? " Greg said

"West" Maya said

"I'm from the south," Greg said

"Small world," Maya said

"Yeah, it is," Greg said

"Favorite color pink" Greg asked

"Yeah," Maya said

"I can tell," Greg said looking at Maya's eyes

"Mr. Staples your next appointment is here," his employee said

"Cancel it, I'm not finished here," Greg said

"OH no, I can go. I know it's more important than having this interview with me" Maya said getting up.

"No, it ain't. I wanna know more about you" Greg said

"More?? I mean there's nothing more to know about me." Maya said nervously biting her lip

"Hmm," Greg said looking at Maya bite her lip

Greg wanted Maya right then and there. But he didn't know anything about her.

Greg's phone began to ring

"I'll let you go for now Maya. But I'll be calling you tomorrow for the next interview" Greg said answering his phone

Maya got up looking at Greg who was also still staring at her.

Greg was tall dark-skinned, low-cut fade, with brown eyes and muscles to die for.

"Goodbye, Mr. Staple," Maya said leaving out

Once Maya made it back to her car. All her nervousness went away. She felt some relief

"What was that all about," Maya said to herself

Maya felt like she fell in love with the way Greg was talking to her even though it was only a 20-minute interview. It was something about him that caught her attention

Maya looked at her phone to see what time it was it was 11:30. Maya pulled out her phone calling her brother.

"You can meet me at our favorite spot," Maya said before hanging up.

It took Maya 30 minutes to drive to her favorite restaurant. Her brother was already there with his girlfriend.

"Hey yall. Thought it was just gone by me and you.?" Maya asked

"My bad sis. It was already 11 I ain't know if you were going come or not" Mason said

"Hey Maya," Nia said

"What's sup nia," Maya said

"How did the interview go?" Mason asked

"Great. I got the job. But the way it went idk. Like I fell in love with in 20 minutes" Maya said

"What?" Mason said looking confused

"So I had an interview with Greg Staples," Maya said

"The Greg staples. The most-paid billionaire in New York?" Nia said

"Yeah him," Maya said smiling

"Okay, so what happened?" Mason said still confused

"I mean an interview is an interview. But the way he was looking at Me and wanting to know more about Me. Kind of shifted everything. He even canceled his appointment to still talk to me" Maya said

"Sounds like love at first sight to me," Nia said laughing

"Nah ain't none of that. You good" Mason said

"What so now your sister can't go for the billionaire?" Maya said

"No I just don't need you getting your heart broken," Mason said

"Nobody went break my heart. And who knows maybe it was just me seeing it that way, not him" Maya said

"Nah sounds more like yall both fell in love," Nia said laughing

"OH hush," Maya said joining her laughing

"Ain't shit funny," Mason said

" get out your feelings, your sister deserves love just like us, " Nia said

" right," Maya said

Maya's phone vibrated. When she looked at it, it said Greg staples

"Afternoon Ms. Sims, be here tomorrow at 9 am" Greg sent

"Will be there Mr. Staples " Maya sent

Maya's phone vibrated again

"Just call me Greg" Greg sent

Maya looks at it and ain't reply.

"I got to go through y'all. I love you guys" Maya said getting up and heading to her car.

"Alright love ya too," Mason said

Once Maya got into her car her phone began to ring. She looks at sees her best friend calling.

"Hey boo," Maya said

"Hey wasn't gone text me this morning? Don't play with me. How did the interview go?" Tina said

"I think I fell in love with the most-paid billionaire in NewYork," Maya said

"Bitch don't say you had a direct interview with Greg the staples?" Tina said

"Yes," Maya said

"Girl what?" Tina said

"He wanted to know more about Me. But fuck all that I can tell you in person. Meet up?" Maya asked

"Yeah we can meet up around 8 I'm still on this job," Tina said

"Okay boo. Ttyl love you" Maya said

"Love you more," Tina said hanging up.

It was already 2. So Maya went and got her hair, nails, and feet done. Then she went to the mall and shopped around by herself. Once Maya left out it was going on 7. So she headed to her best friend's house.

25 minutes passed and she got out of the car and walked up to Tina's house.

"She still ain't here," Maya said

Maya got her key out to unlock her door. She went in to change and get herself together. Maya and Tina always shared houses. If Maya is close to Tina she would go to her house and it's vice versa with Tina. They've been friends for over 10 years. Tina had moved from Chicago to New York
2 years ago to be close to Maya.

Tina came home and saw Maya's car out front.
Tina got out and went inside her place.

"Maya, how long you've been here?" Tina said

"Shit feels like forever look at the time. You said 8, it's 10" Maya said folding her arms

"My bad got caught up," Tina said

"Caught up my ass. Get dressed I still wanna go out. Got me sitting pretty And shit" Maya said

"Girl hush let me go, for I jump on you," Tina said

"Yeah do that," Maya said

Tina picked up her pillow from the couch and threw it at Maya.

"Take a shot crybaby," Tina said laughing and walking to the back.

10 minutes passed and Tina walked out with this red dress on. Tina was mixed. Long hair hazel eyes slim thick is what Maya calls her.

"Okay slim thick. Where are we going?" Maya said

"To this club called Licks. And I got a dress for you that I bought with shoes to match in the room. So go change" Tina said

"Bitch WHT. You know I love your surprises" Maya said rushing back.

Maya looked at this dress it was light purple fitted dressed with some high silver heels.

"Damn," Maya said

Maya put the dress on and it fitted perfectly. Maya walked out to the living room

"Now that's what I call a bad bitch" Tina said

"I love it best," Maya said with teary eyes.

"I love it too. Now let's go" Tina said laughing

Tina and Maya head out to lick. It took them 20 minutes to get there. Tina pulled up seeing a line.

"Damn packed," Tina said

They got out walking up to licks. Tina knew one of the security so we never had to wait in line like everyone else.

"Yall good. Go on in" the security said

Once inside Maya went to rent out a VIP section. Maya made her way to the front when she was stopped.

"What's up?" A gentleman said behind her

Maya turned around to see Shawn

"What do you want?" Maya asked

"Just letting you know you look good tonight," Shawn said

Shawn was Maya's ex but they never worked out because of Shawn cheating.

"Thank you. Bye" Maya said as she walked away

Maya got to the VIP section and headed back to Tina.

"Hey all," Maya said

"Heeey" Ashley, Tiffany, and Sam said

"So I got A VIP section, 'cause you know we baddies," Maya said out loud laughing.

The girls headed to the section and for the next 3 hours, they were already drunk dancing with each other.

"So I'm drunk," Tina said

"Me to bitch and why Shawn had the NERVE to stop Me and say how beautiful I am tonight," Maya said

"He got some nerve to even speak to you. I never liked his ass" Tina said

"Girl I don't know what I saw in him," Maya said

It was going on 3 and the club was shutting down Maya and Tina headed to their car getting in. The ride home was silent.

"Bitch we too drunk to say nothing," Maya said laughing

"I know and you got me driving," Tina said laughing.

Tina dropped Maya off and headed home.


© Myesha O