

Invisible Man...
Who's the man dragging the suitcase wearing one shoe walking with a stick?
Does anyone know?
What man?
I see no one
He must have a family
Someone must care
He's a homeless dirty old man
Why do you care?
Because he's a person
A chief of God
A yellow human being
Pull over I need to get out
Why? What are you gonna do?
Excuse me sir?
Do you need help?
He did not respond
This time I placed my hand over his and pulled his suitcase
“Give it back!” in a weak voice he said
“That's all I have in the world!”
“Give it back!”
I'm just helping you sir
Have you eaten?
“I just ate from the trash”
My heart was now breaking...
I asked him to sit in the pouring rain at the bus stop
Then I rushed inside the restaurant to order him breakfast & coffee
I dashed next door where I rented a room for two days
I then dashed to Ross across the street where I purchased an outfit, shoes, a cane, and a wallet
When I returned...
The old man was still there
I picked up his food and asked him to go with me once to the room
There he shaved & showered...
And then just like that, a brand new man appeared
He shared that he had a family that only wanted his social security funds then threw him out once he refused
He'd been homeless for one year
In his wallet I placed five twenty dollar bills, hugged him, handed him one of my cards, and then I prayed with him and wished him well...
We've shared lunch every week after that
I helped him get back on his feet
He's now doing great
My heart is now full because the Holy Spirit punched my heart that day...
Leading me to help the old man once considered invisible...

-Inspired by my sister: Sandy Smith❤️

© Aunt GeeGee