

Some day soon......
I always wake up hopeful on the 19th of August, hoping that this year things will be different for me. Unfortunately even if I start out strong, I break down before the day is over. Every year is the same for me on this particular day. Getting over certain things is harder than it looks. Sometimes you just can't get over the pain no matter how much you try, no matter how willing you are to let it not affect you anymore. But this doesn't mean that you are weak. It only means that you are human; capable of feeling.

Therefore, don't be too hard on yourself to understand that healing is a process. Some people don't need a lot of time. Within days they're good as new. Don't compare yourself with them; we're all taking different journeys through life. It doesn't make you weak if you are still healing from scars you suffered ten years ago. The depths of our wounds varies from person to person. Don't be ashamed to cry; it has helped me get through some very rough patches in my life. When you feel that the pressure is building up and you can't take on any more, tears will help you ease the pressure. It doesn't mean that you are weak, so don't be afraid to cry.
Whether it takes you a decade or more, one day the pain will be no more. One day you will be able to look back with a smile. Right now you may be choking on the pain but you have to persevere. Keep smiling through the tears. One day, some day soon, all the pain will be forgotten.
© AsherB