

Mother Enchantress

She’s always been there. Watching me.

The enchantress.

Who she is, I cannot say. But I could never escape her ever-watching eye. I felt her magic wherever I went.

Is she good? Or is she evil?

As I walked through the forest to my home, I felt the eerie feeling that someone was nearby, watching. I knew it was her.

A soft sound reached my ears. A melody whispered into the wind.
Sweet and soothing.

NO! She is enchanting me! I must not listen to her!, I thought, trying to get her out of my head. But the song was beautiful; her magic, powerful.

“Stop! What do you want from me!? Can’t you just leave me alone!”, I screamed.

I knew she heard me. But her song didn’t stop. I lowered my head in defeat.

“Listen to my song…open your mind and heart…”, I heard her whisper.

Against my better judgement, I gave in and listened.

The sounds of her song became one with that of the forest around me. I closed my eyes and soon enough, I felt her magic surround me.

But I was calm. It soothed me, made me feel so safe.

“Let my magic wash your cares away…if only for a while”, she whispered to me.

And it did.

Time seemed to stand still and I felt careless, free.

But then her magic faded away from me and the song ended. I stood, frozen in place.

“Wait! Please, come back!”, I managed to say.

Her whisper drifted to my ears, “I will never leave you, my child. Never…”