

Unpredictable - (42)

Day by day, the post was trending and people were curious for each and every post.
The gang was almost caught expect Alex.

June was in her apartment and all of the sudden she heard the door bell. She thought it was Jessi, because she was going to visit me today.

June opened the door and....


After few hours, June opened her eyes saw herself tied up in a darkroom.
She knew who's plan it was. And that's him, her only steps brother, Alex Jay.

She smirked and said "Nice to see you... My dear brother".

Alec laughed and said "Right know, are you June or that DAMN writer".

"At least you are reading my post...", she told.

He lost his temper and holded her neck.
"I will kill you".


"Are you not afraid of losing your life", asked Alex.

"I have already taken your half soul with me. What more do I need?", replied June.

"Nova June... You so clever but not so fast your gonna die. I will first kill your brother, Noel Jane", he told.

The men in black suit brought my unconscious brother. He was tied up in a chair.

"Alex, don't play with my brother. He is innocent", Said June. She was afraid of losing her brother more than her life.

"You did this for your father right? Now, you brother will pay for your stupid act", he said as he took the knife and placed it near Noel's neck

"Ale-x..... Plea-se... Don't", she told.

"What will you give in return?", he asked.
"All your documents and I will delete the post as soon as possible no matter whta happens but please don't kill my brother", she told.


I hope you love this episode ....

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Written by ~@Hazel._.choco2378
Stay Tuned for next coming episode...
