

He left me- Part 1
I was eating some waffles and drinking a cup of tea when I heard a text message came on my phone, while I unlocked my phone I saw a text from my fiance Sam saying "I cannot be with you anymore the love I had for you died. I was totally confused because I was sure he liked me the same way I did.

I replied quickly while wondering if it was a joke, I said in the text that we should meet up somewhere and talk about it,

Then he agreed luckily.

Minutes had passed and I went home and immediately took a shower and put some clean clothes on, and went in my car and drove off.

I reached that exact same place where he said he wanted to meet up. As I saw him fear came in my eyes because I was too afraid of losing him.

I started to ask alot of questions like why did you even propose to me if you didn't love me? he didn't answer I started to get more angrier, and I tried to slap him in his face but he pushed away my hands.

He finally started explaining to me that he is in love with another woman, and I ask so were you hooking up with her while we were still together?

Yes he replied

So you have being cheating on me all this time, I cannot believe you, I should have listened to my parent's when they said that you were a bad person, am just starting to realize who you truly are.

I could see the shame in Sam eyes as he spoke softly saying it was nice getting to know you for the two years we have beign together, but I have to go now he said while opening his car door.

I then shouted come back here, let's work this out like adults should, don't leave now.

There is nothing else to talk about so goodbye Veronica

He shuted his car door and drove off and I was left heart broken, but I promise that I will do everthing it takes to make his life a living hell.

© kimaleeclarke