

Her Silence said everything
The waves of the conversation going on, inside a house carried- The same thing happened that we were scared of ! Didn't anyone see you? Of Course No Maaji I did it in the hush of night. Fine but Anoop, remember that she should not get acquaintanced with this. It has been two days, the matter is quiet now. Go to the sanatorium and prepare for her discharge. Listen ! don't forget to thank him while leaving. If he had not supported us we would never have succeeded.
Beside the house in the dairy shop a woman was purchasing some milk. Her spouse, Avinash, from the car parked in front of the shop said,“ do it fast she is crying”. After she came, Avinash asked her to feed the baby the milk she purchased.
The same night, Avinash with her wife on the bed, both pampering the baby, said,“ Sejal, see how cute she is looking while sleeping ”. Yes, I wish…..(as she was going to continue, the phone rang).
Avinash took the call and answered-“ ok we will ”.
Sejal: Who was it?
Avinash: From the police station.
Sejal: What did they say?.
Avinash: They have called us tomorrow.
Sejal: What? Tomorrow is her appointment for the checkup.
Oh! No, I should inform them. Avinash called them back and convinced them to change the date and eventually they agreed to procrastinate the date by one day.
The next day in the hospital, Sejal was seated on the bench. Anoop with her spouse Sanjana came out of the ward and asked her to sit near Sejal and told that he will be back in a few minutes.
Sejal asked Sanjana about the reason she was admitted for. Sanjana told her that she had given birth to a girl two days before but she passed on, in the same night. Further Sanjana asked Sejal to show the baby in Sejal’s lap. Sejal showed the baby to her. But Sanjana became quite now, she had pearl drops. Further Sejal told her how two days before she got her. Nevertheless Sanjana remained silent. Now Sanjana had an eyeful of tears. She understood everything. Pampering the baby she became silent for always, saying “ye meri beti hai”. The reports declared that Sanjana died due to heart attack. Now Sejal and You both have understood everything !

* God saw him (Anoop) doing that.
* Her daughter made her acquaintanced with it.
* Sanjana's silence will not let the matter to get quiet.
* They didn't succeed, they get burried under the false karma. They will have to pay for it.
* How can someone say thanks to his/her life's spoiler?
* She doesn't died of heartattack, she died to give a new life to her daughter.

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