

From Thoughts to Thoughtless Mind

In a city of busy thoughts,
She elevated herself,
To a thoughtless space...
By Yoga.
Only few breathing practices,
That made her capable of diving time and focusing on priority things
and making things happen!

Being available to now,
Accomplishing one task after the other,
She is winning the horror of stress,
Dividing her day due to a thoughtless mind,
It's possible for her to now to be timely making the pending things and available for fun with friends.

She didn't do anything,
Just something settled within,
As the direction got fixed,
As if heavens came down,
made her feel everything is possible,
You not being just a body or mind,
You are infinite possibility...
You can empower also others with same.

With that profound experience,
She stepped into the world,
to heel the wounds of others
and express yoga in poems,
To let others have hold on that
internal war,
With an weapon called YOGA,
and take smarter decisions with life,
time and faculties like memory
and passion and dreams.

© Yogastha_Kurukarmani