

Sins Shiva never forgives.

Lord Shiva has a reputation in Hindu Mythology of being
a warrior, who has a fiery temper. Once you rub off Shiva
on the wrong side there is no escaping his wrath.
Although he is known as “bhole baba” literally meaning

the “innocent one”, once he gets enraged there is no
power in the entire universe to save you from his wrath.
Although a recluse amongst Gods who likes to be in a
meditative state all the time far away in his snow-clad
abode. He is also a God who is considered throughout
our mythology,someone who gives blessings easily
earning the moniker “Bhole-Nath”. Yet,if you rub him the

wrong way,he can annihilate you with his third eye!
Here is the list of sins mentioned by great sages in the
Puranas which lord Shiva never forgives.

1.Coveting someone else’s spouse.
Shiva will never forgive even unfaithful thoughts about
other individuals; such was the wrath of the yogi
warrior. Shiva always believed in faithfullness and
being honest to one special person in your life.

2. Coveting other’s wealth.
Lord Shiva the eternal ascetic wants people to be happy
with their own wealth, he never forgives jealousy.
Shiva believes in ascetic life and simple
living,encouraging his devotees to chase happiness
and contentment.

3. Sins against the innocent.
Any sins committed against the innocent for personal
selfish gain, is something Shiva hates. In order to
escape his wraths do not misuse someone for your
personal gains. Shiva believes in helping and
protecting the innocent and weak,he will destroy the
harraser of the innocent.

4. Disrespecting women.
Lord Shiva was a feminist! he despised any derogatory
comments towards women as they are the
propagators of life, any one committing this grave
sin was duly punished by Lord Shiva.He knows that
woman is the basis of all life in the universe and he
respects that!

Lord Shiva also dislikes tarnishing someone’s reputation
by false allegations or the spreading of rumours.
Rumours lead to false beliefs and destruction of
many relationships,Shiva hates such vile behavior.

Although Shiva is the God of destruction, he hates people
involving themselves in violent activities especially
against children, women, elderly and weak
individuals.Shiva also destroys murderers,rapists etc.

7.Abusing guru/teacher or parents.

They build you up and you are rubbing Shiva on the
wrong side by doing this.Parents created us and
teachers make us humans. Without their support
we would be nowhere. Parents and teachers are like
the potters who nurture the wet clay,giving it
meaningful shape and making its life useful. A
person who disrespects or physically abuses his/her
parents and gurus would meet Shiva’s trishul!

Shiva abhors a liar. He will gorgive greatest of sins if
the wrong-doer repents and is ready to change. He
will absolutely not tolerate a person who hides the

8. Consuming intoxicants.
Shiva absolutely hates consuming intoxicants and
engaging in frivolous activities.

9. Acquiring wealth illegally.
Shiva hates people who steal or illegally acquire wealth
from others.
I hope this list helps you avoid grave sins which enrage

Shiva and lead a truthful life.That does not imply you
lead a rigid life,live free but a sin free life!
With this our list of sins which Shiva never forgives
comes to an end. We hope our readers will take note and
learn something new.
Overall aim of this article is to educate
my readers about some unknown aspects of Hindu
religion.Helping my readers learn about our heritage and
culture is my true aim.
Take this as an informative story dont make it personal, learn and have some fun. No hate mongering peace to all.
© mercurialbuddha