

When Hermione Didn't Know
“Hermione dear, breakfast is ready!”Came the sweet voice of Hermione's mother through the door. “I'll be down in a moment mother” Replied Hermione, as she put back the 10 heavy books she had got from the library for some “light reading”. “Mum, today I read about the British rule over India. And have you filled my promotion form for promotion to 8th grade from 5th grade?”. “Of course I have.” Replied her mother patiently. “Ms.Anne asked me to stay back and then said that I know too much to be in 5th grade. She asked me if I could meet her at the end of school. I did. She asked me a lot of questions from 6th and 7th grade and I answered them correctly. Of course then she started asking me grade 8th questions and I answered them right too. She decided that I couldn't skip 6th, 7th and 8th grade at once. She told me that it'll be good if I just skip to class 8th for now.” “Very good sweetie, now you must have some breakfast. Would you like eggs and bacon, kippers or buttered toast?”Asked mum. Hermione replied “Just eggs and bacon will be good enough, please”. She had her breakfast and boarded her school bus and read all the way to school.

“It was such a boring day at school”, thought Hermione. They didn't have any test. Only homework she had was in maths, science and english, all of which she had completed in recess. She was hoping for a quiz in geography.... but Mr. Lincoln talked about his trip to Canada instead. In the last class, history, they all went outside to work on their projects. “Miss Anne, can we just shave off Hermy's hair?” Asked Kyle, the class bully. Miss Anne sternly looked at Kyle and said “There is nothing wrong with her hair, Kyle.” “But Miss Anne!!!” began Kyle doing an imitation of whining“Her hair is getting in my mouth! And why does this insufferable know it all need to attend my school??? ” “Just as much as student like you who has 22/100 marks in my subject, Kyle!”. Kyle turned red but muttered “Who studies such a boring subject as yours...?”
Hermione boiled in anger. How dare Kyle say that to her favourite teacher? She looked at Kyle, still boiling in anger....

It happened in a flash--

Kyle's hair began growing out. Each hair as thick as spaghetti. They tangled around themselves. Soon, Kyle's head drooped with weight. They had to take Kyle to the school nurse. Hermione was wondering how it happened but however it did, she was satisfied. “That's what happens when you are a big bully” She thought.

She boarded the school bus and read all the way back home.

“Mom...” Hermione said, and recounted the story. After listening carefully, her mum said “But sweetie, that isn't possible...Maybe the light was playing tricks on your mind...”...

It was late at light. Hermione sat studying. She heard her mom whispering “Do you think we should tell her?” “We should not... It'll come as a big surprise for her.”Said her dad. “But she'll get her letter soon” Her mum said, in a worried voice. “She'll know as all other kids do and then she'll tell us when she is ready...”Replied her dad. “Great aunt Susan told me that her parents told her before she got her letter. Then she was very sad as she felt that her parents knew before she did. Kids feel good when breaking a happy news to their parents. Her parents spoiled such a big fun for her...” Her mother said. Then get father began uncertainly “But do you really think that... I mean...”. “I'm sure. Great Aunt Susan did tricks in front of me... Thought I might be one... But I wasn't, it turned out...” Said her mum cuttingly. Then she said suddenly “Oh! Keep quiet! She might wake up!”.

Hermione rolled over and lay down on her bed. “What were they talking about?” Thought Hermione. She rolled over, wondering, and soon fell asleep...

Hello! I just turned 13, if pleased follow me and like this post. It'll motivate me and it doesn't even cost you anything. Please! I'll be very very very happy. Thank you so much for reading! Bye! 👋