

I have developed a serious way of overthinking everything. It’s too much. There are several things that have lead up to this I can see now, looking back. I still don’t understand how I got this bad with it. I use to be able to just let things roll right off my shoulders. Now they have so many knots in them from stress and thinking……. thinking….. thinking……. Do I ever come up with anything astonishing, or amazing, or some great answer that I had been looking for? No. I might have a little bit more of an understanding of a situation, but answers. NOPE! It’s like I am trying to figure out an answer for every situation and every feeling I have. That is not how life works. THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS!
We figure things out just by living. You never know what tomorrow is going to bring. I demand to have some happiness now. It will get figured out. By living, by fucking things up, by a missed opportunity, by seeking advice and not taking it. We start to learn what is important and what isn’t.Most of the time we have no fucking idea what to do, and it is scary. Especially if you’re going at most all things alone. It will be okay though. Trust your gut feeling on things, and know that everything is not going to work out how you want them too. It just isn’t but it will work out exactly how it is supposed to. It always does. I really need to try and relax. I know I was never in control anyway.
© Nichole H.