

Turtles and an Asshole, Internet Power!

Recently, I purchased a game for Super Nintendo from my youth titled, "tmnt 4: turtles in time." My childhood best friend
Mike and I, at one time, as he said were a "well oiled machine" at this game, and we still love it. So when the site I bought it from asks me to post a review, and I read what I read, it bugged the hell out of me. This is why the internet pisses me off. Always someone going on about nothing, just for the sake of disagreement.
I'll start by sharing the review. Then, I shall review the review and give you all my thoughts.

"I'm sure that I'm about to piss off a ton of old school gamers but I just can't jump on the "best beat'm up of all time" bandwagon with this game. In my opinion it's not. Although it IS an awesome game and a true konami gem, I do have a few problems with it. The first problem is that it plays almost THE SAME as the previous 2 TMNT titles on the nes. Not that that's a problem but it kinda feels like an updated version of TMNT 3. The second problem is the control. It almost seems like there is no actual strategy. You just mash the attack button and hope you hit the enemy.....the hit detection seems a little finicky also. It just doesn't feel right when you punch or kick an enemy because the sound effects are kinda goofy and it just doesn't sound satisfying when you punch someone. I know this was meant to be a lighthearted game but look at TMNT Tournament Fighters, those sound effects were awesome and it was made by the same company. Finally the price tag. I'm sorry but this game isn't worth 70+ bucks in my opinion. Fanboys and hype are the only reason this game commands a price tag of this magnitude and I'm here to say that's pretty messed up. This game is actually not that rare. But in saying all that I WILL give credit where credit is do and say this IS a good game. I just think it gets ALLOT more credit than it actually deserves"

Couple things!
Yes. You have pissed me off. After the first sentence, I was already annoyed with this moron. Bandwagon? You're not jumping on the bandwagon? What band wagon? This isn't Justin Bieber you idiot, this is Turtles in Time! The reason us Turtles fans loved being young! This was our game! If there was a bandwagon, you probably would jump and miss it because you, unlike us Turtles fans, have no ninja skills that you have learned from the Turtles! Go back to your final fantasy, boy! We don't need you! Best beat 'em up game? Maybe! But not to you, huh?
You have some balls, man. Coming on a Turtles in Time review and picking it apart. Got any problems with Double Dragon? Why not shit on all the classics, huh? "The first problem...." is you. You're analyzing a fucking Ninja Turtles game in...