

Chapter 6 Bored to death
The rain came to a stop as my mum's car rolled up the driveway. I was so bored sitting in my room all day. I was avoiding the babysitter at all costs. I heard mum walk in she started chatting with Lucy. Mum was a chatterbox, she couldn't help it. She even got her job as a realisistate agent because of her ability to talk NON-STOP. I was fed up with being bored so I made up my mind to go outside. I slipped down the hallway and past mum and Lucy. They didn't take much notice of me, luckily. I hurried outside then went to see the ducks. "Ducks!" I called, nothing. I tried again, still nothing. I searched for them for a while until a horrific thing caught my eyes. A pile of feathers...