

A Coat Rack An Mans Clone
It was a stormy day and it painted
itself green
And fell from the sky
where it's space shuttle was
But he came back to torror then
on Christmas yes he made
metal hit the ground
as he walked away an away
that alien coat rack
came back for another round
of I chase you
And then disappear
So. it came upon a house
And he walked to that back door.
And it was clear the owner
saw this and said I must be
seeing ghost of cheer on
This Christmas day.
And he got a bottle of wine from
behind his back
have a drink alien
And he opened the bottle
poured himself a drink
And another for myself yes
I know what your thinking
coat racks don't drink very true
So he through it at my green
paint job three times
until I said and moved like this
oh you are lost with your bottle
fool I am an alien here to
play games with you.
So the coat rack picked him up
And start running around with him
swinging him as if he were a doll
And then he cured booboo but
I said that's what I said when you through a drink at me but you just
kept on and on now I am out of
control and revenge is my sweet
Christmas song that I am singing to
you as I make music to your tears
And carry on in that mist that all is
wrong because you done messed with the wrong alien. Then the man's lights blinged and smoked and the alien
disappeared as the man in the air disappeared. for then all with in that
moment dust appeared and fell on his ground. So people came by as the coat rack appeared and watched the man's
loved ones from his coat rack corner
And they cleaned the dust and took
it to the funeral home and bought an
coffin and they pored the dust in but
they had to bury him without a head
stone on the news they say the stones
where not able because with this pandemic so many had died this year.
But then the alien disappeared and was on his ship where the man was and he
told him I am sending a clone to earth
because so many loved that man so.
So they blinked back in the man's house an all said your not dead no it was just a mistake drinks for everybody
I am just glad to be alive with my green coat rack and all in this pandemonium
of a year which has seen a lot of stuff
weird and crazy this year. Some rapped about it some singed about it some played music to it. And most of us drunk to this or that saying what?
But now I am here so let's have a happy
Christmas and he looked and winked
at the coat rack for making the home
fill with cheer. And Only him and the
👽 knew that he was not the real man
But he was a cool dude all the same
who was cloned in the zone for just such a holiday Merry Merry Christmas
To all. The End

© lashes