Apex4 Assemble! - Chapter 5: Who Stole Those Chemicals?
Tinomatium tells Armour Man, "Look, I'm working on my new project." Armour Man tells Tinomatium, "Finish that later. When you weren't here, a thief broke through the security of the Apex4 Headquarters and stole all the chemicals from the laboratory." Tinomatium tells Armour Man, "So, that means that thief can turn himself into anything with the help of all those special chemicals." Armour Man tells Tinomatium, "Yes, and with the help of those chemicals, he can put himself in the form of Ferrokinensis, which means that he can control iron, manipulate metal, and create a magnetic field, which will increase his powers." Then Tinomatium tells Armour Man, "So, how will we stop him?" Armour Man tells Tinomatium, "By going straight to his house." Tinomatium tells Armour Man, "So, wait, who are we waiting for?" Armour Man tells Tinomatium, "Our other team members." Tinomatium tells Armour Man, "There's not enough time...