

The last wish..
When i was in 3rd year of my mechanical engineering degree, my father was going to my village and that time lots of heavy rain is starting and he was getting wet in rain.he caught in flue,headachne,we took him to doctor,dr give him some medicine.My father feel better by that medicine,i got relax,but after some days some ache is happening in his chest.we get admit my father in one of good hospital;Dr suggest we will do some test of your father after that i give excat result what will happen to him.Test declare he has neuomonia,we told dr.to do treatment on that,i meet my father that day,he told me son i feel uncomfortable here,i feel something is happen to me, please take me out of here.But i convence him to stay there, and told them that doctor will discharge you in few days.I want to hug him on that day but i couldn't because some salines are injected him.
While leaving that room i was look to my father he also look at me in a very kind way,i feel emotional that time.My heart also feel something will not happen right but i ignore it. I wish to hug my father that day.I was all day i hospital,at night dr call me and said come to my room its urgent.I went to dr room,he said your father is not responding to our treatment, he's heartbeat is getting low you shift him to another hospital we wouldnt treat him here.
But i told dr,at morning's he's well he talk to me now what happen to him in that short period.

but doctor doesn't give satisfactory answer to me. Immediately i call an ambulance,and shift him to another hospital,while in ambulance heartbeat of my father goes down,he started feeling uncomfortable i call a doctor who's with us in ambulance,he check my father nerves its slow down and after some time he close his eyes.hearbeat line on ventilator machine goes straight,dr said im sorry your father is no more.Im numb ;i feel numb,i dnt know what to do,i started crying in van doctors gave emotional support to me but it doesn't matter me now.I called my mom with teary eyes,after hearing this news she fall on floor..
That is the last time i saw my father,i wish i could hug him on that day..still now im blame for myself why,why? why i dont hug my father that day.that was my last wish to hug my father and i know this Will not complete now upto my last breath..
© ram gagare