

a 10-year-old 1978 country singer
Like hitting a rock with a hammer, life hits us hard sometimes. Tell us a story about the hardships in your life. the 10-year-old 1978 became a country singer by cheating accidental she started out as a fighter fighting against other kids bigger bowls and all whenever we got done fighting he was the last one standing so the school principal had this stage where he made money for the school how you doing musical as well as on stage plays on one day he had set for this teenage girl known as Katie Benton was supposed to been there to just singing on stage well she was late special going to leave the audience hanging so he went and got the 10-year-old boy his name was Charles Wilson and he wanted his classmates that was all bigger than him but the bigger boys took off some place so he couldn't find him so he took a 10 year old woman on the stage to see what he could do the 10 year old stepped out on that stage and started singing country songs the principal looked at him as the crowd roses discovered that he was really that good that boy sang maybe seven songs straight in a row Katie Benton comes in walks right out on the stage with the boys singing cuts the boy out in the middle of the song the boy walks over to the opposite side of the stage then when he was supposed to have stood there Katie got her singers out there on the stage her background singers gay shucker mountains those you don't know what it is boobs Katie's mother and father was out there on the back side of the stage watching with permission well all the 10 year old looked at Katie and goes why are you shaking those for the audience the women folks may not like that and Katie say well Charlie it's my number and Charlie said you going to get the women folks mad at the men folks especially if they watch what you're shaking Katie walks over to Charlie bend down in front of him she said if you ain't going to behave yourself get off the stage Charlie said okay Charlie walked past her and off the stage right to her parents and he said I got the full light of it and Katie's mother says what do you mean by that Charlie Shea she's not wearing a slingshot Katie's going to say what do you mean by that Katie's father says he means she don't have a bra on Katie's mother went right on this stage because Katie was only 16 check they're right in front of the audience and Katie said no you make me look bad in front of my audience you got me sitting out here like this so she got off the stage all right right by her ear Charlie walked back on the stage looks at her group he said to the one girl you are really good at playing that guitar look at the second girl said you need some practice and look at the third girl says I don't like drunk throw it out looked at the fourth girl said I'm sorry I didn't hear what you were playing because my mom is on your lead singer who lost her slingshot Johnny Cash just haven't been there watching the pressure look at Johnny Cash and said is he right Johnny Cash say yes he is he's right about the whole group Johnny Cash Walk on the stage and the girl that Charlie said was a good guitar player Johnny Cash ask her to join his group and she said yes please and she did Johnny Cash look at Charlie and said you're the best time country singer I've ever seen and I hate to say this but you done better than I did you even saying my song I was going to sing out here tonight better than what I sing it now I don't know what to sing a few years later after this that principal announced out that Charles Wilson made over 1 billion dollars for that school in one week and the grandmother was the overseer for him and the principal said I don't know how much to grandmother made this was in 1978 in the fall time of year. PS true story.

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