

Chapter Twelve

Lanas P.O.V

It's been three weeks since, I was kidnapped I hav'nt heard from Alex and neither did Candy. I still didn't get to go back to school so Candy kept on giving me info on what I missed and brings me my homework. Until one day Mark accidentally showed Candy his read eyes I said it was contacts. The secret was slowly coming out. Ever since she got those clues she would always be looking for more and I can't defend these vampires any more I asked Nathan if I could tell her and he said no.

"I'm telling you Lana, there is something going on"she said.
"Candy I think you are getting crazy"I said.
"Come on Lana, please tell me think there is something wrong with my Mary?"She said.
"Candy, it's 10 o'clock, go to bed"I said.

Yes we are having a sleep over and she suggested it. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes.Will I finally get to sleep now?

**Later that same night**

Candy's P.O.V

I checked to see if Lana was sleeping she was.

I got up and put on a shirt, took up my phone and walked out.

There is something going on and I'm getting to the bottom of it.

It was dark so I couldn't see anything I turned on my flashlights, and walked around there has to be some sort of explanaintion for what's going on.

I know this is wrong and that I'm gonna get caught but something weird is going on.

I headed up a staircase and there were pictures on walls.

The staircase lead me to another hallway filled with more rooms and pictures on the walls.

What caught my attention was that one of the room had the markings 'Museum'

I went inside there where statues and more paintings I saw an old book on a book-stand. I opened it, there was a no Aurthor or anything just the table of content.

How vampires are born
How a Vampire can get killed
How protective is a Vampire
How dangerous a Vampire can be
Royal Vampires
When a Vampire falls in love.
What happens when you betray a Vampire.

Wait why dose all the chapters have vampire in it. I don't understand what's going on here.

"What are you doing here?"someone asked me from behind.

I was frightened.

I turned around and saw no-one.

"You shouldn't be here"I heard again.
"What do you want?"I asked.

The person walked up to me it was Mark.

"You know, I should kill you right now for knowing too much bug due to the fact that you are Lana friend and she's my brothers girlfriend, I can't"he said.
"how did you know I was here?"I asked.
"I sensed you and heard you"he said
"What!?"I asked.
"Using your blood to track you"he said.
"I'm confused"I said.
"Did you read anything from that book?"asked.
"No"I said. "Is it some sort of story book about vampires, I wonder who the Arthur is"
"So you have no idea what I am?"he asked me
"Actually, I'd like to asked you a questions and you've just added more questions to the list."I said.
"Ask away"he said.
"1.Why where your eyes red? 2. What do you mean you mean by you used my blood to track me? 3. How di-"
"I can't answer any of those questions",he said.
"Why?"I asked.
"You wouldn't understand, but you are in trouble for escaping your cage"he said.
"Are you gonna tie me up and bring me back to it?"I asked.
"I wonder if I should use the chains or the rope?"he said.
"Chains!"I said.
"I don't think you can handle it"he said.
"Just to be clear, what exactly are we talking about?"I asked.

He just looked at me and smile.

"You need to go back to bed"he said.
"No more snooping around"he said.
"Yeah, right. I'm gonna find out what your little secret is Marky",I said.
"I'll just wait for you to find out"he said.

I followed him outside the museum.

"Can you explain all these pictures on the wall?"I asked.
"No, all I can say is that they used to live here"he said.
"As in they are dead?"I asked
"Yeah, you know when there was war against Vam....Sorry I can't tell you"he said.
"What against what?"I asked.
"Privite info"he said.
"You are very secretive Marky"I said.
"Well that's not a lie"he said.
"I'll find out your little secrets soon"I said.

He stopped walking.

"I'll make sure you don't"he said.
"Do you think I'll just forget"I said.
"I'll make you"he said.
"oh really?"
"I might even make you forget ypur own name since you'd be yelling mine"
"Do you think you can do that?"
"I know I can"
"Prove it!"I said.

He leaned me up against the wall and crashed his lips gains mine using his hands to explore my body. I pulled away from the kiss yo breathe I looked at him and he had the same red eyes I saw before then they changed.

"Ok it's time for you to back to sleep"he said.
"Can I sleep with you?"I asked.
"I wasn't supposed to do what I just did, so can you please keep this on the low"he said.
"Why? do you have a girlfriend?"
"I can't tell you why yet and no"
"I don't get it"I said.
"You just don't understand"
"Then make me understand"I said.
"I just can't tell you, but I promise I will one day",he said.
"It's better to tell the truth than making me find out, because whenever I find out it's not gonna go so well"I said.

He sighted.

"I really want to tell you"he said.
"Then what's stopping you, what's so bad about it?"I asked.
"Lets just go"he said.

Next Morning.

"Lana, I think I'm gonna leave now"I said.
"But didn't you say sleepover plus spend the day with your Marky"she said.
"I changed my mind"I said.
"You, changed your mind about the guy you've been talking about ever since you got here."she said.
"Yeah, something wrong?"I asked.
"No"she said.
"And plus I have school"I said.
"Candy, it's Saturday"I told her.
"Uh... I got detention"I said.
"No you don't, Candy what's the real reason?"she asked.
"Nothing"I said.

It defiantly has nothing to do with Mark.

"Anyways, bye Lana"I said and walked out of her room.

I saw Mark sanding there.

"Can we talk?"he asked.
"Sorry, I'm gonna be late for school"I said.
"It's Saturday"he said.
"Exactly"I said and walked away.

Lana's P.O.V

Well that was weird, she's defiantly keeping something from me. I won't pressure he about it.

Nathan came sat beside me on my bed.

"You seriously need to stop using yoir ability around me"I said.
"I just missed you"he said giving me a kiss.
"I have morning breath"I said.
"I don't care"he said.
"I still need to go brush my teeth"I said.
"Why'd your friend leave so early"he asked.
"I don't know"I said.
"Isn't she your friend?"he asked.
"I don't always know everything about her and I'm sure she'll tell me in her own time"I said.
"She seemed upset"he said.
"Yeah"I said.
"Anyway since I hav'nt seen you for half the day your are gonna make it up to me"

I giggled.
