

Happy New Year : What's different this year!?
Happy New Year !!!
But why so excited , when u have a new year, after every 365 days . So what's so special about 'this' year ....well guys this is "2021" and not just any usual year . A year full of expectations and hope ...a year in search of goodwill and prosperity ..a year to start it all again , with new strength and will , to gain back all that was lost and look at the world with a new eye...
2020 was a year of challenges , that made us realize our strengths and weaknesses , and thereby prepared us for the coming challenges.......We had seen and under gone the hardest times by now ...we , now know to tackle the hurdles in our swag...we, now know to fight back..
So now even if 2021 doesn't appear to be of our favour.. let's not get desp , and instead make it the way we want it, because we r the writers of our future...and it's in our hands to make the best out of it ...so let's not loose hope and make this year the best of all times ....
............ HAPPY 2021 !!!!!....
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