

This is a romantic story of japanese girl who suffer from a mysterious change in her by which her life change from that point.She lost every think but however she got a boyfriend and from hare her love story begins.
A small girl whose name was sakura live with her family in a small town of Japan. when she was 8 years old she was playing with her grandma.A wise old man came in front of their house and said sakura's grandma to bring some water for him. She went into house and ordered her daughter in law to give water to the old man standing out side the house. she went out and gave water to him. After drinking water he rested for sometime and while he was going he said to sakura's mother that a very big and a dangerous change will occur in your girl on her 10th birthday. her mom just ignored him and turned to went back into the house. the old man again said that it's not me who is saying that the god told me. Sakura's mother just ignored him.
It was the night of her 10th birthday. sakura's health was not well. She suddenly start crying her mother came to wards her, she was surprised. Sakura's face was completely covered with blood. blood was coming from the tears of her eyes. Her mother ran to call her father. when she came back to her room to see her condition. She was totally surprised her eyes were changed into blue colour. As she saw into her eyes she turned into a stone. after some time her father came home. He saw her daughter was crying and her wife was turned into stone, he suddenly came into the room and ask to her daughter that what happened to her mother. sakura was just crying and she covered her face with a hands. Her father forced her to remove her hands but she was refusing to do that, so her father somehow removed her hands from her face and he saw into her eyes and he was also turned into stone. sakura was very scared and started crying louder and louder. Her grand mother silently came from her back and covered her eyes with a piece of clowth and said to sakura ''I know that it will surely happen some day because I have talked to that old man when he left our house". After saying this sakura and her grandma left the house
sakura was grown up and she was living with her grandma in a small house.some times she help her grandma in some works but her eyes always remained covered with the clowth. After some time her grandma fell sick and died. She was totally alone and she do not have any job because she never went to school. She started living her life by selling flowers but it was not enough to complete her all needs. One day when she was counting her money a boy say her. At first look he fell in love with her. Day after day he always come their to see her. One day when sakura was returning to her home some boys start following her she started running because she not want to kill them. Suddenly an another boy came fight with them and save the girl, he also gave her some money. His name was Ishida. From that day he started to meet the girl and some time he gave her some money.Now the girl was also love with him. As the day past they became more closer to each other. one day Ishida and sakura were in her grandma's home. The same group of guys rushed in her house the boy some how save the girl and said her to run but she refused. I the fight one guy smashed some object to her head and it start bleeding to the head of the boy and the group run away. The boy was half died and full up of blood. sakura rushed towards him and hold him and Ishida told his thinking about her. Ishida looked in her eyes and was slowly turning into stone, Sakura took a hand mirror and saw herself in the mirror and tightly hugged Ishida and they both converted into stone