

Long time back, I was happy and enjoying every moment of it. I was far from this world to whom we don't belong.
Some people knows me and those who don't will know.
Starting from the coaching institute ( KOHINOOR KUP).
On my ist day there I saw a lot of new faces making some noise and some known faces well. I had a strange feeling it seems I was cutted from that whole environment. There I saw my old friend and a very nice guy(Aasif gulzar). He was with me there but the strangeness didn't faded.
Amoung those strange faces one hand holded my arm and everything seems good. With her everything seemed beautiful.

Yeh Yeh 🤗 a girl who changed every in my life.(secret disclosed)

Every day I used to talk with her play with her and it took not that much time for our friendship. She had a unique way of talking and caring,and I loved that. I forgot every troubles and every strangeness by her presence. I was studying perfectly and it was going good.
Weeks passed then months it was going on, inside my heart had a feeling, don't know what was that but it was good but making me feel pain.
Everytime I used to look at her just to see her smile, that thing make my day.

Read carefully and feel
Otherwise u can lost it.
One day she was injured and didn't came for the classes, I wondered was looking for her but she was not there 😔. That day I realised my feeling it was nothing else but I was in LOVE.

YEH Guys 💖. I was in love.(my soul)
I didn't dare to tell her, I was very much afraid that I will lost her which i dont wanna be.
So i acted normal. When she came for the classes i felt relaxed and saw her for a while.
Last day in the institute, I came with full intensions for the proposal. But she was not there 😔😔.
Days passed, weeks passed, i didn't knew anything about her. I felt hopeless. And the whole year passed without her single meet.
I went for the further studies and I had nothing news about her.
Days passed there I was just like a square figure in a circular rings.
One day I saw her, she was studying next to the coaching institute of mine.
That one glimpse brings me my all happiness back.
And we were in the contact.....

Ahhh, it contains a lot of joy and love..

Everything was oky, but the problem was we were just that friends we used to be. I was wondering for the perfect time. I have heard that changes are sudden to appear and same happens with me. My HEART, had a pain and it was increasing day by day, my normal life totally changed. And in this situation she stayed with me ♥️, cared for me and took ist step towards doctor. A lot of tests I gone through and reports were disclosed I front of me. My heart was not functioning properly and this news broke my knees, put me down. And slowly slowly I went away from her. 😞😞.

It took some time but it get cured.
It took a year, means another year passed with it and I was far from her..
But the feelings for her never faded it was the same. Next year I was good doing, everything was well even my heart was good.
I met her again. Happy again, it was perfectly going. But suddenly she went her home, I was shocked why? Didn't know what happened to her and at last I heard that a she was ill for a long time. That is the ist day in my life when I cried for someone.
I didn't felt anything but I had only one thought that she was with me in my bad times but I was not. That thing kills me. I was daring to call her didn't know what should i do now.
That broke me inside.
After recovering from this it took a year.
And now she was not in contact with me, and I had nothing information about her. It was killing me inside everytime.
In deep my heart, I used to talk with my self like everyone did.

So be ready for the twist in my life...

So this year 2020,
I dared to call her.
We used to talk daily, and it was great.
Recently somehow I managed to propose her, she was awear about my feelings about my everything.
But she rejected. 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔. I waited nearly 4 years and outcome was this.

I know I know, don't feel sad or sorry for me i deserve it.

Our last call was 9 hours of duration.
And last chat.....

I am already taken.


© crazy_feat