

Sometimes at the lowest point in your life you figure there is no point. Most people lose hope when things in their life are not going their way, but hitting the lowest point is actually a test to see how strong you are and how much power is within to get back up from this lowest point and rise to the highest. There is only one thing that stops most people from rising and that thing is called "Doubt".

When you become your own roadblock that stops you from achieving it makes it complicated for you to live. Don't look at your mistakes and failures, that comes with life to teach you lessons so you can overcome negative things that block your dreams. There are always going to be people looking down on you, so be different from those people and look up to yourself.

From my own personal experience, I felt that life was repetitive and boring. I felt like it will be an endless cycle of depression, but then I realized the only true peace you can have is peace within yourself. After I figured out myself worth I decided to help others succeed by giving them advice because the world does not revolve around me, I believe that I was put on this earth to help others.

So, for anyone struggling out there or whoever is reading just know that people who love you are around you, but the most important love is self-love because peace within will make your life bliss. Don't let anyone tear down your mood because you have the potential and dreams that you want to fulfill, so negative people aren't worth the time or attention. Keep striving and never give up.
@Daveman #LifeQuote #Life #Love #inspire #Motivation