

in the beginning
Back when the world was new, and the old kings were young. They decided to divide the world in two. One side was for the mighty angle king and all his subjects. They lived in prosperity and bliss. The other was for the demon king's monsters. There they live in violence and anger.
These two sides never got along, constantly fighting and disturbing each other's version of peace. Until one day the demon king offered a truce. They met by the great see to discuss the wars. The two great kings decided to create something together. They decided that they would each give three things to this new being.
The angel king gave the form, the mind, and their soul. This made them reasonable and kind. The demon king added curiosity, community, and knowledge. This helped them grow and form strong bonds with one another. They then pulled the land apart to divide their kingdoms. This land was given two new humans.
This decision garnered peace for both sides, but that was a long time ago. Now the land is controlled by arrogant kings and hungry monsters. With few places to get any hope, we come down to one of the few people doing the unthinkable. He fights the monsters, human, and otherwise. His name is Anthony and he is on his way to his biggest score ever.
He approaches a small village in the woods, where he believes, the girl he is looking for is being kept. As he approaches, he notices a large crowd has gathered around what appears to be a horse. However, as he gets closer, he sees its one of the angle guards. This really bugs him because they give him hell for how he looks.
He has a lot of demonic features. his sharp teeth and his pointed fingernails tend to keep them on edge. But the real problem is the large black seal on his back. It's in the shape of black fire and seems to scare people. He walks up to the crowd and asks, "What's all the fuss?" one of the peasants turns to him "It's Tony and he's here to kill the ogre, aren't you excited?"
Anthony huffs, "No at all." Anthony then proceeds to push past everyone until he is standing in front of Tony. Tony is sitting on his horse in his fine silk clothes and on his chest is the bright golden sun of Silverwing. He looks down at Anthony in his burlap pants and no shirt. He asks, "What does someone like you want from me?"
Anthony grits his teeth and answers "I'm here to rescue the princess and get the award. What is a snob like you doing here?" Tony smile, "Well, if you read the paper you would notice that you have to take her to the capital city, and they don't allow demons." Anthony thinks and asks, "Well then how about a competition. If you beat me, I will go away but if I win I go get her."
Tony thinks, he can't lose agree "What should we do then?" Anthony thinks and responds, "An arm-wrestling match." Tony scoffs "I'm not touching you." Anthony turns to the crowd "Who wants to see him beat me?" The crowd erupts in cheer for Tony. One of them runs out with a table for them to compete and Anthony puts his arm on it.
Tony steps down and tightens his golden gloves. The two of them lock arms and tony tries to move Anthony. He struggles and fights for a few seconds before Anthony slams his hand down. He then stands up and asks "So, where is the monster?" Tony angrily points to a path that had been torn throw the woods.
Anthony sets off that way. As he walks into the woods he takes in the scenery. He looked around at the beautiful canvas, at the red and blue leaves. How that stands out against the black bark. He is looking at all of it as he walks down the trail. He sees the beautiful green flowers, but as he is looking at it he notices there are no bugs.
He then takes a listen and he doesn't hear the birds. He then travels up the trail some more and sees a river that is all dried up. It had almost seemed like all the animals are gone. As he is observing the fish skeletons, he hears a woman scream. Anthony then takes off.
He stops once he loses the trail and listens. He hears an ogre snarl and he dart to the left. He comes to a large cave, with the smell of sulfur in the air. The smell puts him on edge as it usually indicates demon activity.
He inters not quite knowing what to expect and is greeted by an abomination. It is an ogre, but it's too big. Standing about twelve feet high, it seems to have a normal body from the back. Its brown body is covered in lesions like it has been dead for a while. The only cloths it has is a lam skin loincloth, which is odd given their intelligence.
Thou grotesque it doesn't seem to be aggressive. It turns to him showing that it has a gash on its right shoulder that has some sort of black gunk coming out of it. Anthony can see a small woman hiding in the corner but he can't make out much. He notices that the beast seems to just be standing there so he lunges past it. But this results in him being kicked into the wall.
Anthony bounces off the wall wincing in pain. Anthony then jumps up the beast head knocking it back. He uses the momentum to try and get to the girl, but it grabs his leg and throws him against a tree. Anthony pulls himself up, noticing, he hasn't hurt it. Anthony feels his back burning and rushes in again.
He knocks his leg out from under him and bashes him in the gut. This causes his guts to spill out, releasing an ungodly smell. Anthony reals back and the beast smacks him back once more. At this point, Anthony can tell he's taken too many hits and can hardly move. He pushes off the wall again tackling the gash. He avoided it before because he didn't know how it would affect him but he's out of ideas.
He knocks into it causing the beast to turn to ashes. Anthony stops to look at the mess and get his strength back. As he's looking at it, he notices this is cremation dust. While he looks a small woman up next to him, "Thank you, I couldn't get away from him." Anthony stands up and asks, "Are you Heather, the king's daughter?"
Heather nods "Yep, I was stollen by this thing. So, what is your name?" He answers, "Anthony and you don't look like a princess." She looks at herself, in a sapphire blue tunic and a silver cloth hat, and looks at him "What do you mean?" This combination didn't strike Anthony as princess wear, but he just shrugs "Let's go." The two of them head back to the village.
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