

Decision ; Chapter 7
After lunch I went to dad's room.I knocked the room and dad called me in.He asked me sit on the chair. I sat as instructed. Dad looked at me and said,“I thought a lot about this.”
I sat patiently waiting for him to continue.
“I am really sorry beta,I would have not slappe..” words stopped,dad was unable to speak.I stood up dad and spoke,“No dad why are you sorry for. I should be the one to say sorry. I.. I'm so sorry dad, I spoke so irrespectively.” tears started coming out.
Dad avoiding all the looks and said,“You want to be a teacher so you can be,after all it's your life. We would have asked you before taking any decision by our own. You can do whatever you want,no one will stop you.”saying this dad left the room.
I called him,“Dad” but he didn't hear.

Tears were flowing constantly.
“At one place I want to be a teacher,at another place sistie told me that struggled life,dad kept a stone in his heart and allowed me to do whatever I want. But at this state how can I chose .How can I do whatever I will to do by knowing those crisis,by knowing how much everyone will be disappointmented, how much disappointmented dad is,how?”
No one was in the room except me. I was just crying unable to control myself, unable to understand what to do. I had to take a next step.But what?
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