

the end, is it really come?
Social isolation had forced a huge silence upon them. While fear haunted their existence, one question was at the forefront. When was this going to end?
Grater a small society, not quite known around the world but this small society is a place where nothing has been updated. Updated you asked? There is no means of communication with the world but yes, they do follow the old tradition of communication of sending letters to their close ones who stayed away from them. The people of this society hasn’t seen the real world and the ones who has seen the real world were called the “mad ones” by the same society. They feel whatever the ones who lived away from them and who had just come to visit them after a long time had gone mad once they met new people and so. They wore a old traditional clothes and when the people from other places would come they would laugh and pass weird comments.
One day, one couple was passing through the society and they wore a mask on their face. They society people saw them come and taught they were terrorist. They quickly got together with sticks and stones to drive away the couple. As the couple approached the society, they noticed the strange behavior of the people of the society. And asked what was the matter. In return, the people shouted out loud and asked the society people to go away and if the couple wanted to enter the society they would have to fight the people to get their belongings and whatever. But the couple was confused since when they had last come to the society, the people were so kind, even though they mad fun; their hospitality was so sweet that they had decided to move in to this society and make them aware of the updated world.
The couple was surprised and was scared. Suddenly, one of them whispered to the other about their mask. “they must have not recognized us, let’s remove our masks”. When the couple took off their mask, the society people were surprised and asked for an apology right away. But they were confused on why did the couple wore the mask on their face which made the couple look like terrorist. The couple explained about the plan they had done and wanted to make it a success.
The couple noticed that the society people were not aware about the COVID-19 virus which is spreading all around the world and the main cause for using a mask. The couple called the society people for a meeting at a certain time, where ever house hold should be present. At least one member should be present since it was important that they know what is happening all around the world.
At The time for the meeting the people gathered around in their function hall. The couple went up on the stage and explained about the COVID-19 virus which is going on all around the world and how it could affect them if the preventive measures weren’t taken accordingly. The couple asked all the people from the society to maintain social distancing; then how to maintain personal hygiene; and also told them to stop letting any one enter the society hence forth from other places as the virus might spread in the society and because of no proper undated communication the people might die thinking it’s some normal flue and not some dangerous virus.
The people were terrified and promise to abide the whatever the couple said. The people were scared to death that they even stopped coming out of they homes to prevent any contact even by mistake. They started praying day and night for their society and for the whole world to be safe. They couldn’t believe their eyes and ears about the mysterious virus which doesn’t have a cure but can be prevented by maintaining proper hygiene. The people were so scared that they asked would keep on asking the couple for more and information about the virus going on around the world. The couple told them that the situation was getting worse by the day and hopefully something could be done as soon as possible. The questions arise in their head along with fear “are we going to survive this Pandemic or are we going to be one of them?” . All of them promise to each other that they will fight this pandemic with whatever it takes to be safe and healthy and live a safe life a head. But still the questions along with fear still rise day by day: “are going to survive?, is this the end?, when is this supposed to end so that we can live peacefully?”.