

A sudden shift (JJBA)
Yoshikage paused. Josuke had found him in a public area. Feeling his heart begin to race, he considered his options, refusing to turn and face the tall boy. He felt lost. helpless. He wanted to run, but something inside hom malfunctioned. He was frozen. His mind drifted to thoughts of his own suffering. He was tired of it all. Tired of people trying to get into his life and ruin everything. Why couldn't everyone just leave him be and let him enjoy what he loved? Why couldn't he control his urges to kill? He looked at his nails, breathing a very expected, but nevertheless relieved sigh after seeing that they were short. He felt sick to his stomach. How had it become so east for him to kill anyone who got in his way? To kill to satisfy his unbearable needs? He felt like a monster. He WAS a monster. His knees met the ground as the world around him begun to blur and warp. That's when he lost all control. Grasping the sides of his head, Yoshikage let out an agonized scream that lead into horriffied sobs. Monster. The word rang inside his skull like a church bell. All the faces of his victims flashed through his mind as he began to panic and tremble, gasping for air through the tears. Suddenly, he felt something surround him, and he jumped. It was Josukes arms. Before he had time to react, Josuke began stroking his hair and gently shushing him. Yoshikage felt his chest grow tighter. Why was this so comforting? Why was Josuke doing this? He closed his eyes and turned himself around, fully indulging in the young mans kind embrace. Like that, he wept softly, knowing that this was likely going to be the last act of kindness he'd ever recieve before he turned himself in for all the horrible things he'd done.