

*PART 22*
(Forever Together: A Tale of Dependence, Love, and Adventure")

Seza was fully dependent on Artav. Every decision she made included Artav; she couldn't do anything by herself. She always asked for Artav's suggestions and decisions. So as Artav's decisions included Seza, they were completely reliant on each other. They had even planned their college life together at the same university. They were dreaming and planning about their college life together. Everything was set up according to their planning, and they were just waiting for their school and boards to be over. They fantasized about their life completely together. They couldn't even think about separating from each other. They both needed each other forever.
The sun was shining brightly. It was Sunday, and Seza was feeling happy because it was her day to take a break from the busy day. She planned to rest all day. Around noon, nearly 12 o'clock, she called Artav. Artav said that he went to renovate his car so he was busy, and he would call her later. Seza disconnected the call and took a nap with her minions. After an hour, she got a call from Artav. He said that he had customized a name sticker for his car. Seza asked him about the name, but he told her to guess. She thought maybe it was his name, but he said it was a surprise. In the evening, he called her.
Artav: "Hello, baby! Are you sad?"
Seza: "No! Why should I be sad?"
Artav: "Actually, I couldn't give you time, nor could I come to meet you, so I thought you might be sad."
Seza: "No Aatu, I'm okay. Don't worry."
Artav: "Baby, you know you are so understanding. I feel proud, I swear. Maybe I have done something better in a previous life so that I found the sweetest, most lovable, and understanding girl like you. You are one in a million; destiny wants us to be together forever."
Seza: "Yeah, we are meant to be together. So don't you dare forget the promises which you have given." Artav: "Never, I may forget everything but not the promises. Anyway, it's too late; let's sleep. Come fast tomorrow; you have one more class before coaching class, hope you remember."
Seza: "Yes, I do remember. Bye, goodnight. Sweet dreams, love you."
Artav: "Love you too, bye."
The call gets disconnected. Next morning, Seza went to the classes. On the way, she met Artav, and he asked her to get inside the car. As Seza got inside, Artav said to her, "Did you notice anything?"
Seza looked at Artav carefully from head to toe but couldn't find any changes. She shook her head indicating no. Then Artav stopped his car and asked her to go out and see the name on the backside of the car. Seza initially denied, saying she would see it later, but he started making a puppy face, so she couldn't deny anymore and had to go out. She went to the backside of the car and saw the name, it was "Aatu'se". Seza felt so dramatic, she slightly giggled and asked him, "Why did you write 'Aatuse'?"
Artav replied, "Why? Don't you like it?"
Seza said, "No! It's not like that. Actually, why did you write 'Aatuse' instead of Artav?"
Artav explained, "You gave me my name Aatu, which is so special for me, and this car belongs to you too, so 'se' means Seza, both together 'Aatuse'. So, I want to keep this name forever, so I asked them to customize this name."
Seza asked, "What if in the future you regret writing those names on it?"
Artav replied, "What? You mean a breakup? I don't know about you, but from my side, my love for you is forever. No matter what, I will always love you. You are my future, and I don't even think about breaking up."
Seza could see the numbness in Artav's eyes.
She hurriedly said, "No, no! I don't mean that. From my side too, it's the same as you think. Anyway, thank you Aatu for making me feel special. I love you."
Seza felt happy thinking about the name on the car. She felt dramatic, though it was cute. She always wanted to keep Artav by her side. She wanted to make him feel special too.
Hardly one month was left for their school to finish, and it was very hard for everyone when it comes to an end. So they decided to go for a trip to create lasting memories of their school life. All her classmates, including their teacher, planned the trip to the west district. Everyone was excited and enthusiastic. It was a sudden trip. They planned to go the day after tomorrow. They decided and agreed on the contribution of money. Everyone agreed to get the money within the next day.
Next day, everyone contributed as much as they could and finalized the bus and other food stuff. It was a long journey, so everyone decided to carry homemade food according to their plans. They decided to meet exactly at 1:30 am at the bus stand. Those houses were far from the bus stand, so they stayed at their friend's house nearby. Seza's house was far too. She also decided to stay at her friend's place, but Artav didn't let her stay. He said that he would come to pick her up at her home itself. Seza thought it was okay as she was feeling uncomfortable staying at her friend's place. She was in trouble whether to stay or not. Meanwhile, Artav held her hand and said, "Babe, why are you tensed? I know you are feeling uncomfortable. Don't worry; I am there for you. I will pick you up, okay?" Seza just smiled, went home. As she reached home, Artav called her to come to the market. She changed her dress and went to the market. They, along with one friend, went to the bus counter and paid the advance and set the time to begin their journey. After that, they bought some snacks for everyone from their leftover money and kept it inside Artav's car. He dropped her home. Seza was so excited for the trip. She set the alarm for 12:30 and called Artav before going to sleep.