

Her secret

I met her sometime before I realised. I never noticed her but when I did, she was always around. She always looked serious, nervous or both.
I never spoke to her although she spoke to everybody.
She was always alone.

That was until the winter of ####

Her name was Vivi, she was a character. Always bubbly, confident and ready to help. She was everything everybody looked to extract a bit of from within themselves. Not many people knew much about Vivi when I asked around. People would always give contradicting statements. Those close and distant companions.
However, that day I took my swollen heart one foot at a time towards her. Quietly. Timidly.

"Hi" I stretched. My voice shaking as my insides tickled, "I've been thinking alot about...". I paused. What was I thinking? I felt stupid. In memory of that day I still do.

"We all think, hopefully... I, for one, think about everyone. How they are. What they want. Most importantly, when will they leave.". She sighed. Vapour of her breath drifted into the air just like my mind. Vivi looked like a flower in bloom.
She continued after a pause, "what do you think about?"

I shied my gaze to the landscape before us, "lately, I only think about you. I am curious about you. And I also think about other stuff"

"Don't expect much"

"I try not to"

I looked at her from the side as we stood. Fidgeting. I felt sheepish, at the same time I didn't want it to end. Nor our conversation or her presence.

"Danis, belive it or not I've thought about you too. You're very secretive", Vivi whispered as if it were a secret between us. the words between us became more indistinguishable with each breath. We somehow got closer and formed the understanding that would be our secret

© Staircase