

A different turn ( PART 1)
"Get up you stink ball. Please tell me you took a bath after that marathon you went for in the morning!"

" Gosh lemme sleep you prick.....and no I didn't take a shower. You expect me to be freaking dripping sweat and still manage to have the energy to take a bath..."

"Oh god you, lazy bum ,we're lateeeeeee "

"Late for what..?"

" Offcourse , how did I not guess that ! OUR FLIGHT IS IN 3 HOURS you maniac!!!"

"What the hell....it's already evening?"

"Yes miss sleeping beauty , NOW GET UP!!

"Ya fyn stop screaming..."

So technically we are supposed to take a flight in three hours to Los Angeles for a holiday. Sane seven girls including my annoying twin brat of a sister. We were supposed to take an evening flight and reach LA by 2:00 am the next day. I packed my bag last night when miss i-am-always-on-time was sleeping. So I'm ready to leave,only this gurl won't speed things up and has to look purrrrrrfect even to the airport. * Brat head*

"Ohk , so how do I look?"

"It's a girl's trip you snitch"

" Oh and what am I supposed to look like a mop if a cute guy is at the airport...? Nah ah!! You can go ahead and dress up like a street dog but I have standards" .

I listened as she was talking, rolling my eyes sooooooooo much that they might fall off of my sockets.

"Kay fyn , you look cute now can we leave?"

"You're gonna come like that???"

She said with a stunned expression as if I was naked.

"Ya ,so what? Ohk now just keep your mouth shut and take out the car. I don't need your mushy brain all over my face "

Don't take me the wrong way , im very very sweet...I'm just not a fan of waking up!

So she finally got ready and stuffed me with a burrito since I ate nothing after my marathon this morning. We drove of to Melissa's and saw that we were the first ones to reach. I gave Joan an expression which slapped her right in the cheek bones . That annoying peice of crap!

"Yayyyy you guys are here!!" Said Melissa running towards us with a hug.

"Let's wait a bit for them to co-" just as she said this, Rach and Mads drove in . Rachel and Madison were best friends and were almost inseparable.

"We're here. Good Morning sunshines" said Mads.

Both of them were full of life and made me smile all the time. Around them , you just cannot stay sad.

Nora was next in her jeep , and her perfect golden blond hair and tank top with butt shorts.

" You know we are goin to the airport right?" I said.

How the hell can someone survive the ac in the airport in THAT!!??

"Offcourse Janiena , why do you ask?" She said like she didn't know. I left the matter because I knew I would end up pulling her hair , cause arguing with her is like strangling eachother to death.

Now , I was waiting for the company I was most looking forward to , Jane! She was my dark haired , blue eyed baby who I loved. Both of us were best friends and spent most of the time together. We were always doing crazy stuff , ALWAYS . Annoying Joan was our favourite!! ( It's true Joan gets irritated very very quickly!

We waited for a while and then my phone rang , it was Jane's mom. I picked up

"Good evening dear" she said , her voice had some kind of worry and it bothered me. Jane's mom was always tension free, what had happened .

"Good evening aunty , how are you , is everything ok?"I said

"Yes Janiena , nothing to worry about , but , I'm sorry , Jane won't be able to join you for your holiday , she's met with some urgent work. "

As she said that I could hear her gasp and control her tears!

But I didn't want to trouble her anymore ,she already sounded like she was in distress and crying for a long time. Even though I was shitt scared about what must have happened to Jane.

So I just said,

"Sure aunty , but please do tell me if there is anything wrong. Afterall I'm like family"

" Offcourse Janiena , I'll let you know , have fun !"

" Ohkay aunty , take care"

What the hell!!!! What happened to her? I just couldn't think of anything else all the way up to the airport. I told the girls she wasn't coming , but their reaction was as if it didn't matter. But it was bothering me alot

And then I remembered, Jane was really sick lately , she wasn't sounding so very good even on phone. I wish I could speak to her , but she wasn't picking up the phone. I was tensed! Like really tensed!

What would have happened?
© HennaG