

The Fight
A dick and a pussy where is the middle of a heated argument over who was better
The dick shouted “you’d be nothing but a worthless hole without me”
The pussy yelled back “ I’d be a lot happier without up in my face all the time”
The pussy continued “I usher babies into the world what can you do write your name in the snow?”
The dick replied “babies? Try doing that without me!”
The pussy redder than ever “I need you once for that, once and good thing too cuz you never stick around.”
The dick swollen with anger “why would I want to stick around with a cunt like you bleeding and making a mess! Never trust something the bleeds for 7 days and doesn’t die!”
A passing tongue was watching the whole conversation with mild amusement. Just as they were about to rip each other apart the tongue walked up and said “excuse me but you both seem quite upset my a try something?”
“ fine” said the dick, “sure whatever” said the pussy
And the tongue went to work and satisfied them both.
The dick and the pussy now relaxed and relieved apologized and went on their way.
Now the moral of this story? Doesn’t matter if you have a dick or a pussy never underestimate the power of a well used tongue.
The end.
© Elizabeth Moore