

the recovery of darkness
deep beneath the earth is a temple full of powerful creatures which were believed to be folk tales to scare people. during the years these creatures have laid low and have blended into the human world, therefor the humans have let their guards down and have forgotten about this grate danger.
    These creatures are shared into clans around the continent but this clans are all ruled by one-person KING ORFEO, he was a wise and strong leader who ruled for 10 decades but his father was his opposite in ruling, he was ruthless and belived in only war, he started a war with the humans, and the humans worn the war but the creatures payed a grave price, in the terrible war king Orfeo loost his beloved mate and as a result he took his own life, legend says this creatures are strongly attached to their mates and so the next in line  was to assume the throne but he was left without a mate.
    On the surface of the earth lived a woman named trisha, trisha never belived in supernatural fairy tales, she belived that supernaturals are myths and she often says people who belive in it are crazy. this lady has no parents but was adopted by mrs ricana, and her son named liam. trisha loves nothing more than her mother and her brother.
Find out in chapter 1
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