

Surviving in Amazon |Part2|Must read
Friends it's a real incident and you can read a documentary on it
""Wings of hope"".......
so kindly read it's first part too if your reading this part.. Thank you💓😊😊😃🤗🥰

Now that's the real miracle.For the next 24 hours Juliane faded in and out of consciousness.After that she finally managed to stay conscious and started shouting for her mother. Finally She realized that she was alone in the middle of the jungle.. Moreover Juliane collar bone was broken and she had several cuts on her arms and legs.. Despite those injuries she started moving on and promising to herself to get through this night mare at all cost.
While searching food she heard a hum of circling aircrafts above her. The plane Crash stimulated the prompt search in Peru's history but the forest was so dense. She couldn't now hear humming of aircrafts and knowing that no one would be able to rescue in those Amazon dense Forests. Luckily she found the bag of candies from crash site which Became her only food for the next 10 days in the Forest.
Now it was her good luck that Juliane was pretty familiar about Jungle life as his father was a Biologist who studied Amazon wildlife.
She spent alot of time with her father in Research station. She remembered that her father once told her that tracking down stream would eventually lead to civilization.. Juliane set on a track following Water stream..
Besides this Amazon was full of dangers..
It's home of hungry Jaguars,black caimans with their sharp teeth and many poisonous snakes
.....To be continued....💓