

devil's thoughts (episode - 1)
"sorry" and "thank you"

In my opinion these two words are useless. why the hell do we use them for?
if you had done a small mistake there is no need for sorry you just have to understand your mistake and make sure not to do it again, there is no need to apologize and if by any chance you had done a big one you are not going to change it by apologizing so instead to apologize go for it and pay for your mistake.
same thing is with "thank you" what's so great about thanking someone?
don't you understand no outsider will help you if it won't benefit him/her and if they are going to get something in return for helping you there is no reason for you to be thankful. you will say there might be someone who will help by good will, yeah there might be but if he is helping you by goodwill it means he is too expecting something in return not from you but from someone who we called God. so there is no need to be thankful.
© #DarkDevil