

Surviving Grimward (Part Two)
We walked for hours through the forest trying to find camp or shelter but we couldn't find anything. We're hungry, tired, exhausted and sleepy. We can't make night catch up on us because the monster, Grimward will find us back. Blaire scratched her knee a while back and Jake is helping her to walk. We need to hurry. We watched through this forest, swam across the huge lake of Grimiah and walked through another forest. I can't believe we walked three whole miles. This feels like cross country. Finally, we found an abandoned cabin in the middle of nowhere. We ran inside because of sun set and we saw the monster running in a distance towards us. We hurried and closed the door shut. It's screams are terrifying. I'm scared. Jake called me over to the bed where he found a book called 'History of Grimward'. Three of us sat down and started to read. It read, "A boy died because wicked people did voodoo. A year later, he was risen from the dead by the same people and they turned him into a monster. Grimward was under a curse to torment the living until he killed them." Oh my gosh. This is terrifying. What if we die. Jake ran to push objects behind the door because the monster was scratching it with his claws. What can we do to stop this. We're just a bunch of fourteen year olds trying to stop this monster from killing us. Blaire ran over to me and hugged me. Jake wrapped his hands around me. The monster burst the door open and the two we're behind me horrified. I saw blood on the monster's teeth. His claws had on blood also and he looks scary. I panted while my heart raced. I almost fainted. The monster took one look in my eyes and ran away. What the he'll just happened! We're still alive. Why did the monster run away though. I looked through the window and saw that the rain started. He was screaming in pain. Water hurted him. Tears fell from my eyes watching him running away. He's really fast and is easy to get shelter anywhere. I ran out there behind him. Blaire and Jake ran after me screaming my name to not go but the monster didn't hurt me and it's time to return a favor. My heart is too big to hate anyone, even a monster. He stopped and looked behind him. I took my jacket off and put it over his head slowly. He hissed but I'm not afraid anymore. My friends were running towards us but he made a shield and hit them away.
"They are my friends, stop hurting them," I said holding his hand. He put a note in my hand then ran away. I read the note. It said I must get Grimm-stone in the cave of Goriah and mix it with the first lake water and bring it back to him. I think he wants us to heal him. He wants this to make him turn a human back.
"Guys, look at this," I handed the piece of paper to Jake then he gave Blaire.
"I'm in," Blaire said.
"Me too. And he didn't kill us so I'm in. I wanna find out who this guy is," Jake said then we walked back to the cabin to find gears and get going tomorrow. We also have to share the bed and get rest. We are going to that cave tomorrow. I think I know where it is.

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