

Sometimes, our minds can fall into the vicious circle of memories, which restricts our escape from it and once we start recalling them, it becomes trickier and trickier. And if those memories aren't pleasant then it becomes toxic by taking the form of nightmares.

However, your family plays a pivotal role in eliciting the best of your abilities; but what if , they are the ones who gave you those memories or to specific- nightmares. In my case, nightmares are the worst form of emoting my memories. Specially today, I happened to burst into tears; It was around five in the morning when suddenly I was woken up by a scary nightmare, it was tough for me to go back to sleep after that and next thing I remember, I cried for sometime until I fell asleep again.

What a Sob story, isn't it? But being a teacher and once psychology student, I realize how important is the environment in which we grow as a child; the care givers are of utmost importance to provide that secure and happy environment. Especially, when the child is in the infancy period, where they must share their most intimate relationship with the mother first, and then the father but trust when I say, both the parents are equally responsible for providing that secure early childhood. By the term 'secure', I means not just physical security but emotional as well as spiritual security, which ultimately gives birth to self-esteem and self-confidence. And when child will have a happy environment then surely he or she would weave the most beautiful and pleasant memories.
© Neelam Sharma