

Fall in love with Crush... 🥰 PART 1
Me in bun with black clutches.. black saree... simple makeup .. big earning.. bangle.. walking outside the house and talking in the mobile.. suddenly seeing a person and constantly looking and that person.. totally forgot myself for a moment and looking at that person.. with a full smile that person was looking at me and have little shy on the face.. that was really a cute moment.. suddenly we meet in a temple then I said Hi, he said hi and said bye with a shy and went... then once again we meet each other outside the house and he was trying to talk and I was really shy.. he said your beautiful.. and iam fumbling and want to say something but couldn't.. I said bye and went.. Both of them never get time to have a conversation and days went and time gone.. we didn't meet each other.. but had a crush on him.. 🥰 Then I was busy with my job and it was going on as time passes my parents was looking a guy for my marriage.. somewhere I want that person.. but didn't said to anyone.. I kept the think secretly as Iam not sure what about that boy.. then one boy came to see me and iam saying not interested to see anyone need sometimes I have told.. then my mom told just see him if you like him then marry otherwise we search someone else.. I was totally not happy and went with the tea.. and was not about to look at the guy and not seen him.. then his parents was saying talk with each other then.. my mom said take him to terrace and have a conversation.. then with no alternative I took him and I was in front and he was in back.. I have not seen him.. till that moment also.. then walking in steps he said.. why your not looking at me are you shy.. I was looking at the back and got slipped.. because I was hearing that sound and shocked.. he just hold me.. and said what happen.. I said you..?. he said yes me.. I was really very happy and suprise mix felling.... he was saying your looking beautiful.. I said don't say like that Iam not beautiful.. he said your... I said iam not.. and then I said our parents will be waiting for us let's go.. then he said give me your number.. and I have given.. then he saved and told will talk to you later.. my parents said I know you will not like him.. as your not interested in marriage.. then I said I like him...
Will continue.. ❤
© SN