

Great lady episode 5
There's was mourning and grief, in the whole country. I can't believe father left me alone. These were the words of the king's eldest son. Nobody knew how the king died. But the youngest prince was doubtful and miserable. The second son Min Ye was silent. Today was the king's funeral ceremony all were present except the youngest son of King. This made suspicious everyone. After the king's funeral ceremony prime minister called Mao the closest slave of the King. who was present with King when he died. Mao entered the court he greets princes and prime ministers. Then prime minister said today is a huge responsibility on your shoulder don't be afraid tell freely what were the words of the last king. Mao said the king's last words were that....his voice was trembling Min ye will be next king. Suddenly silence spread all across the court. The Prime minister said are you sure Mao. Mao said Prime Minister How I dare to lie. The eldest prince was stunned .some were suspicious. But they nodded their head. The prime minister declared prince Min Ye is our king. Then all bowed down in respect of King.
To be continued.....

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