

Love always finds a way! 😍💖💖
Where there is love there is always a miracle and love is that condition where your happiness is essential to the other person's happiness. There were two people who fell in love in the most painful experience in one of their life.

There was a girl who was, beautiful, shy, introverted and clever a topper which means many will say she was a nerd, Jane. She didn't involve her self in many situations like love affairs she just stayed at her home everytime and focused on her studies so many saw as that scary hard to get, she was indeed a lady. Her mother's best friend had a tall and handsome son Andy who was almost the same age as her in fact the age gap was one year as she was 14 years in grade 09 and he was in grade 10. They knew each other because of their mother's friendship but on their side they were more like strangers, they weren't close even a simple greeting or hi was hard. Even when they went to school with the same car it made no difference, they just kept avoiding each other. Let take for instance the day Jane was chosen to deliver an inspirational speech on the school assembly, and Andy tried to talk to her in the car about her speech but as soon as she saw he wanted to talk she just pretended to be sleeping which can make one think maybe she was scared of him or had that respect but we understand as she was shy.

Time went by but made no difference in their relationship, then Andy changed cars so they didn't even see each other that much. Then he failed grade 10 so she got to see him more although they weren't in the same class but still from a distance. Although they weren't doing same subjects, they had one in common so they usually met during that subject but they pretended not to see each other, there was no bond. Time went on now they were both in grade 11 but seeing each other from grade 08 to 11 and knowing each other from young age made no difference, you would have even said they didn't care about each other. Now it was almost half their grade 11 year, it was May and a horrible thing happened Andy was involved in a bad car accident.

It was after school and Jane had already gone home as their car took them as soon as they got out of school, Andy waited for the bus as it doesn't come early he hang out with his friends. Andy was hitted by a car for who were there it was the driver's fault and it was a hit and run. He was really injured and rushed to the hospital to get immediate help. Jane heard in the evening from her sister that there was an accident near her school and it was a student, she got that information from social media, so Jane was worried of who it was. The next day, Surtuday she was going to school and asked one of her classmates from her village and he told her it was Andy who was in a car accident. 'Who???', she asked worried hoping it wasn't the one she knows. He gave her the description and she felt tears and her heart beat was like it was going to stop, she held the tears in and acted stronger. But inside she knew she was hurt her whole school day was ruined, she was distracted and worried about him. As soon as she came home she told her mum for she wanted to get more info, Andy's mum said he was injured a lot, both his legs and an arm were broken. As soon as her mother told her she went outside and cried a lot, she didn't know why she cared so much as they were like strangers and she was not even crushing on him and there was love in her heart that even she didn't know of, she never knew she cared this much until now, she prayed a lot for him and wished she had a way to stay in touch with him. From that day she was always worried and sad, always thinking about Andy .

Time went on, days went by and the pain got stronger. The worst thing was that she couldn't visit him in the hospital as it was far but now she was able to contact him as she asked for his cellphone number from his mother. It was better although she wished she could see him and let him know she is there and she cares. She called him every day and wrote him cards together with gifts just to make him feel better. Days went by fast and he came back home but he couldn't go back to school as he was still in a wheelchair and this was during the end of the month, September. She made sure to visit him every time she gets a chance and almost all her free time was spent with him, she was always there for him as a friend. As they spent a lot of time together their love grew stronger but they both didn't want to admit it as they were scared of each other and didn't want to ruin their friendship as Andy knew Jane was a hard to get you didn't just say anything to her. She kept visiting him in his home and praying that he recovers soon so he can get back to his normal life although that is where she is a stranger. They spent all the time together and Andy was recovering quickly as Jane was by his side and that made his life worthy to be fought for. She also tried by all means to get his school work although it was hard as she they were not in the same class but where there's a will there's a way. By the end of October he had recovered slowly as he was now using crunches to walk, so he was able to write his year end exams with the help from Jane, they were both very happy. As the December holidays approached they were happy for spending time together, they shared Christmas day.

"I have something important to tell you Jane ",said Andy . Jane asked what it was but Andy was nervous and worried how she would react to him confessing his feelings. "I love you so much Jane and I'm certain for me you are the love of my life but I'm not sure you feel the same, Andy thinking. And he starts talking in a nervous voice saying, "I Love You 💖 Jane!", looking straight in her eyes with tears in his eyes as he is scared of the what ifs in his mind. He continues saying,"I didn't want to tell you because you are my heaven sent angel 👼 and I don't want to lose you and I'm willing to spend my whole life with you. Jane didn't answer but her heart was beating so fast out of love but with doubts as she is worried he is just playing around or maybe he will still change his mind and she didn't see herself good enough for anyone. There was a moment of silence and Andy chose to to take the first step as a man and he came closer to her, held her hands and got near her so she looked away but begged her heart and hugged him as he was about to cry because this was the person he loved with everything. They felt the warmth of each other's arms, felt their heart beats, held each other closer as they felt a great strive of love and they slowly kissed, they could feel true love as they got closer. Jane thought many times of pushing him and want to think all this was a mistake as she didn't want to get her heart hurt, you could even think she has been hurt before but she hasn't as she has never been in a relationship with anyone even by mistake never ever. Andy held her closer, kissed her more and smoothly until they both let go and he looked her straight in the eyes as she looked away. They both admitted they loved each other and deeply, they were both happy they felt the same way and hoped nothing will break them apart as Jane felt Andy's hand on her body, felt it overpowering her and gave up trying to hold herself back playing tough and her hands started moving, trying to hold her feelings back.

She touched his face and he just felt weak and could feel her breathe going h
mhh huh and her heart going boom boom in his hand and started kissing her in slow motion and she held him closer to her and now it was official this is a God's gift and blessing, they are made for each other and this is what everyone who knew them thought and saw in them. It was almost the Christmas afternoon and Jane had to get back home and Andy started asking if they were now lovers but Jane didn't answer for a while until he held her hand. "No I can't this will distract us from our studies, I'm not ready for this I mean us but we will still be friends and I'm sure one thing will lead to another", said Jane but what really distracted her was the love she had for him and didn't want to let it lose. "Okay lov.......... I get it" Andy replied, but remember I love you and I am willing to make you my wife. "Haha that now is child talk but I think we should wait till we finish our grade 12 which isn't far from now then I'll be all yours even to keep😉",said Jane. Andy kept holding her hand as if he didn't want her to leave and said "I love you" and looked her with love eyes waiting for no response as he heard what she said that he should wait."I love you too so much", Jane said as she kissed him goodbye.😍 His heart jumped out of joy and felt his whole body shivering. She ran to her home to cover time before it gets late . They still were the best of friends and spent all the time together and kept in contact, talked every day until he recovered fully and their love grew. They finished their grade 12 and they both passed so this meant the start of their love story as they became the best friends and lovers. They were ready to be forever together and they could as this love was a gift from God although it took a lot to realise, it was worth it. They always dreamt of being with each other, closer and never leaving each other's sides.

Love can bring light to any dark situation and it heals all. Love is the best if with someone who loves you with everything and willing to sacrifice for you, it a God's gift. Wait for that special person to share an unforgettable bond. And what this has taught me is that true love exists.

©Lungi ❤️🧚