

Mandatory R.O.S.E. Prolouge.
I slammed the door and for the first time in my life, Caret and Granpa Freddie shouted at me. They're always calm and let me do what I want.

"Zirry! Open the door!"

I heard Caret banging my door and tried to twist the door knob. Good thing I double locked it.

"Zircon Marie Montecillo-Rosario! Open. This. Goddamn. Door."

She whispered through the door but I can already feel the chill in my spine. Damn it! I hate this side of Caret! When will she be good to me? I just wished that Lena and Wei took responsibility instead of Caret. She's just a nagging old lady who's bored in her life! I hate her!

"Zircon Marie!"

I rolled my eyes as I stomped my feet to the door. I opened the door against my will and run to my bed. I grabbed one of my pillows and covered my face with it.

Seconds later, I heard Caret's footsteps and Grandpa's cane coming nearer. I prepared myself to ignore the both of them. I don't want to talk about these two. They just want to mess up with me.

"Zircon Marie. You've been too much."

I secretly rolled my eyes and kept my mouth shut.

What too much? I just bought the latest winter collection of Hermes. I did nothing wrong! Besides I do it every season! And they're so pretty, how can I resist myseld from buying them?

"For Pete's sake Zircon Marie, you should've just invest in Hermes instead of wasting them. And about the l-"

I stood up and shushed her. I glared at her and gave her my grumpy face.

"That man's so rude, okay? And sending me to the military? Are you guys okay? What if I got killed? What if something bad happened to me? Will you all take responsibility? Didn't you got traumatized by that fucking plane crash?!"

"Mouth, Zircon Marie!"

"Whatever. I still don't want to enroll in your craziness."

I rolled my eyes and went back to my bed. I don't care if they already wasted their money to that torture school or academy, I still don't care.

"Okay fine. You'll not enroll to that school-"

My eyes widened and a smile immediately flashed on my face. I looked at Grandpa who got cut off by my little scream.

"Oh my gee! Can I enroll in Coimbra University now? That place is so elegant! Oh my! I should call my fri-"

"Hold up, darling. I'm not done yet."

He looked at me and a smile or more like a smirk is slowly forming on his face. I looked at Caret who's keeping her poker face but her boredom is still evident in her aura.

"You'll be staying in our farm. You'll help our farmers and helpers there while you're studying to whatever place you want. Your credit card limit will also be cut off from €500,000 to €100,000. You'll be accompanied by one of my most trusted person there, Seargent Bonde Patton."

My mouth was left open and I don't know what to fucking say. Did they just grounded me and punished me for all the money I spent? Because damn them I have money of my own I can pay for my own!

"This isn't about money, Zircon Marie. This is about independancy and let's say, early practice to adulthood. Because believe me, Zirry, it's tougher that you thought."

After saying that, Caret and Grandpa went out of my room while I was left there, still shocked.

What the hell just happened?!