

Seven Rules of Managing Self & Others
As an individual or a Manager, you need to grow your skills everyday so you can manage you team mates or live life with happiness with your family members effectively. The effectiveness can be mastered with practice. This envolves doing things the right way.

Management is something to keep up the learnings every day. Effective management starts with managing self then moves on the other level.

Be generous, if you are not managing yourself effectively, how do you expect to manage a group of people, there are seven rules which I apply on myself management and others :

1. Hard Work;

Being a leader of a team or an organisation you should be always ready to lead from the front. You should be prepared to work hard. In simple word you cannot expect efficiency from your team or at home if you are not willing to put in your efforts.

Time management is essential for any business organisation. To be effective you need to be very particular about time management. You should prioties your work accordingly.

If you learn to be on time with each assignment slowly you might have improved power to be focus better. It's a basic thing in this process.

2. Managing Work Life Balance;

Often working hard means you are very busy sometimes you don't have much time for your family and you will feel difficult to prioritize your tasks.

Work life balance means a hormonious balance of work and domestic life. It allows an individual to fulfill all the roles in his/her life effectively and efficiently. Many researchers have proved that an individual or teams are at their best when they are contented or motivated both at work and at home. It is also related with your health physically and mentally.

Your physical & mental health should come first if you want to live your life to the fullest. You need to start recognise when you can't control or change something in your personal and professional life. Accept and adapt the situation as it is. Anything you accept then it becomes part of you, may be you will feel little pain for short time but you will be very close to reality.

3. Bring Transparency;

Someone has rightly said honesty is best policy. It applies everywhere in your day to day life at work or at home.

Most of the people have learnd from young age that if you doesn't know the subject or don't have anything nice to say, it better to be keep quite. Just don't lie. It better to be known for being blunt than a lier.

Similarly in workplace you should be more honest with your team mates if you want to be a leader of efficient team.

4. Knowledge Sharing ( Sharing is Caring);

We all repeat this everyday many times that sharing is caring. But somehow due to some unknown fears or perceptions we never applies or hesitant to apply this at our working place. As an individual I apply this rule with my team mates. It is very clear that the more you give out, the more you get in return.

Many of us make the mistake of believing that they have intellectual competition among colleagues so you don't bring transparency among the collegues you are managing. In this situation how you expect they will contribute there 100%. Its better to be share important things and take their opinion its up to you to implement those or not but they will feel their importance with in organisation and contribute their best to the organisation.

5. Be Decisive;

Its true that no one likes to be around the person who always depend on others especially if it's your manager.

You need some one who can take a lead and guide you. Making decisions in day is a part of their responsibility and No one can away from their responsibility. Hence it is very important to take right decision at right time. It can be easily tackled. Take all the facts and systematic analysis and process them for good decision and quick decision. An individual can also listen to his gut-feeling and intuitive mind. And finally have a courage to take decisions. The focus should be on taking right decision rather than a quick decision.

Believe that if there is mistake also you can learn from it and in future you will have skill to take a right decision.

6. Be Creative problem solver;

Now these days being creative is more important in corporate world. As an individual you should be creative with some innovative ideas to survive in today's competitive market. An individuals creativity helps organisation to have an competitive edge over others.

It is a belief that creativity is inborn and that can't be developed. But now many studies have proved that this belief is wrong and many organisations are developing a culture to enhance creativity in day to day life.

A manger or a leader can develop and stimulate creative ideas by using methods like brain storming and others... This will also help other to contribute their fullest to the organisation.

7. Enjoy yourself always;

Last but not the least you should enjoy everything you do. If you stop enjoying your work, you will lose your passion. And you know without passion you can't achieve big in your life.

Every individual should focus on finding happiness in a job well done. You need to recognise and celebrate every small victory of your and your team mates.

Make humorious environment with in your team and allows freedom to your teammates to perform better than last version. Every next day should be different than last day.

Written by :
Yogesh Chauhan
Sales & business development professional