

Befriend me Brother 3
Ruth, Chapter 2

12. May the LORD repay you for what you have done.

This was the verse from the Holy Bible which firmly registered in her soul during a sermon at the church after covid-19 - lockdown. Mrs. Ray's understanding was enlightened by this.
Her thoughts broke out with the new collaboration of words bringing out new comprehension. She typed these words: 'Our love for others is the measurement of the love others have for us.'

Then came Mrs. Goodpray. Mrs. Ray had a heart free debate on that topic. Mrs. Ray was put in a nut shell to come out with the new answer for Mrs. Goodpray.

How then it is like this, Mrs. Ray? asked Mrs. Goodpray. What? Mrs. Ray asked in an anxious polite tone.

How can you measure God's love on love us? If we measure it based on our love for Him, I think it won't count a right measure.

Yes, sis. God is not others for us... cause He is within us enlightening our spirit day to day. And.... I saw my mother in law being rude many times. Then one fine day I understood... mmm... yes she is living with the rude husband. The rudeness she shows now is the replica or the fruit of the rudeness she gained once.

She lacked the loving care many times...yet she didn't give up anyone for anything. She remembered the goodness of her husband at times and used to say it to me. But it's only at times not always.

Then I, after such understanding of her mentality started to do whatever she liked..even to fall at her feet. I am trying my level best to speak only good of her, cause I understood that she is sick of lack in love.

I am not a doctor of love. Yet I am trying to be a good student of it. May God help me.

"Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here I am to say that you're my God. You're altogether lovely, altogether....."- rings Mrs. Ray's phone.

Hey Ray, what's this....is this not your husband's name..... why have saved it as Bro. Ray?

Yes sis, He is my brother, cause I call his mom as 'mom'.

Don't give up your husband so easily dear. He is your husband and he is for you. Don't be like this.

No sis, I am ready even to maintain a social distance for making peace with even a one family member. The only thing I need is understanding... understanding...that matters to me a lot.

Will your husband be ok with this?

Yes sis, he has a good understanding of me. 'He that is whole need not a physician but he that is sick'- Christ said.

I am in search of that one lost sheep leaving these strong hundred behind.

Do you think you can be a perfect being? No one is gonna give us an award for our tolerance or goodness.

I am not perfect, sis. I know I am not a good cook, not a good house keeper. Yet I know I am trying my level best to reach that perfection. All I want is to be a healthy woman in mind, soul and physic. I don't want to overload my mind with stress by thinking more of others' pressure on me. I don't want to become a terrible psyche and create a mess for others.

What do think about the mothers in law?

Mothers in law.... mmm. They are good until they are a woman and a wife. They become a competitor in love - game when they become mothers in law. Every mother in law is the replica of her mother in law. May be not in some cases.

I think they learn the tricks of dominating the daughters in law from their mothers in law's way of treating them. We must create a full stop for such same succeeding pattern of life.

You know? There are some third parties who always play some stories to destroy a peaceful family. We must be more careful of their words. And it's better to maintain a healthy distance from such people. Men think we are just made for cooking and reproduction. But they forget that his half part is in woman and he can't think wise without a woman. If he doesn't want woman's help in every part of his life - it may be in job or house hold works or ruling the world.

Ha.. how would they... how would they? mmm They won't Ray. They won't.

Ha ha ha...If they won't they shouldn't expect us for their pleasure. A tree loved is protected and fruitful for a long time. But a tree just used is unprotected and it's life span is short. We women stay at house and become a terrible psyche at one point of time. And these men are unaware that they themselves at one crucial point of time become a terrible psyche by living with such terrible psychic women. If they want to live powerful, healthy, wise and peaceful they have to keep their near ones powerful, healthy, wise and peaceful. And Adam? He kept the garden much protected but failed to protect his wife. If he had made his wife a good companion in his garden work, he would have had a good communication and description with her about God's creation. And no doubt would have arisen in Eve's mind when that serpent confused her. To that hard working gardener Adam, the fruit of knowledge given by Eve was seemed so needful and beautiful at that time.

Ha ha ha ha... what are you kidding?

hmmm hu ...laughs calmly... Not kidding sis. Mmm... alright I have to go back to my duty.

What duty?

Household duty. hmmm hmmm hu... laughs calmly and leaves.

Mrs. Ray. Good bye. Our next discussion is on Sati.

Sati!..hmm... nods her head and says, 'Good bye sis. Iam in kitchen.'

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