

The Night Horror (part 2)

The Horror in our faces was bolder and brighter . And the guy that was lying on the floor was ,looking at us but we saw that life had already passed him, and that's when I decided to call the police. For some strange reason while I was turning on my phone I mistakenly press play on the song that I left on the lock screen.The Neighbor that i was with looked at me with his eyes all out.

I quickly turned off the Nicki minaj Starships song ,then the door flew open ,and before you know it we were now also held captive. Our weapons were outside the room we were in. The guy with the gun said 'you see now Carol you've turned me into the bad guy but all in all I'm the victim here' and Carol filled with fear in her voice said 'baby we can work this out, just let them go ,you want me isn't it, so let them go'
He said 'Yah No Carol the thing is theyve seen to much' he shifts his gun and pointed it to me and Mike (The neighbor I came with) then said 'we have to just put a full stop to any witnesses and evidence and just make their existence no more ,you get what I mean.'
with those words said I felt my whole body freeze and turn pale, all colour was lost in mike too, I swallowed hard. I tried saying something but my lips were frozen together out of fear

Mike said 'come on men let's talk it out as...'
before he finished he instantly regretted opening his mouth.The gun was now facing him. The dude with the gun said ,'talk it out ,talk it out.' he lets out the most spine chilling laugh my spine has ever heard.

while he was laughing I saw that Mike was planning on doing something I don't know how but I just knew it. 5 seconds after that thought ,Mike stood up and tried to grab the gun, and before you know it there were two people fighting for the gun. Boom a gunfire went off .The gun points left me and Carol went Right ,the gun points Right and we went Left. With Mike and the dude holding the gun they face it down and Boom it shot at the ground and The other dude starts moaning and he fell on the floor holding his bloody foot.

I quickly reach for my phone and call the police and ambulance since Mike and Carol were injured.Mike had a Slight bruise on his stomach and Carols head was I injured when that crazy dude smashed it against the window we heard shatter

And for The crazy dude he was arrested for Murder and some other things too

And something you won't believe is that this was also a love story. In this crazy adventure i found the love of my life I'm sure you know him
Yep its Mike we actually got to know each other better and became friends and friends lead to dating and now we're married and we also have a 2 years old baby boy
And yeah that was our crazy horror love story

#love&love #horror #twistending #writco #scarystory #lovestory

© its_just_me