

Ch 3- Who is she?
"Maybe that was a nightmare too...I shouldn't think too much."

As I was getting so bored at home alone, after having my breakfast, I ended up in my car for a little ride.

Chris: Boy, it's raining so hard suddenly.

I looked outside through the window beside me. Water droplets fell sliding through it continuously. There were people of all kinds outside. Some were running for shelter, irritated and some were just enjoying the sudden showers. I don't know why but I just kept thinking of it as if the clouds were crying for some reason.

I suddenly stopped my car with a screech as I saw someone standing in front of me. A girl who was looking at me and slightly smiling at me. The smile wasn't scary. It was...warm. It took me a while to realize that it was her......the girl I saw in my nightmare. But she looked much better. She wore a black sweatshirt and blue jeans and white sneakers. Her hair was chestnut in color. She looked mostly...a human. She didn't do anything but just stood there getting wet in the rain. I heard cars honking and people swearing right behind me so I turned right which led to an empty and dark street and stopped there.

Chris: Who is she? Why does she feel familiar?

When I looked up, I saw her standing in front of my car. I got out and stood in front of her.

Chris: Who are you?

I said with clear coldness in my voice. She smiled again as tears started to well up in her eyes. The rain had already stopped by now.

Chris: Are you mute? Why don't you reply?

"I'm Jane, Chris."

I flinched a little. Wasn't expecting that, was I? I didn't know what to say. "How could it be? I don't know any other Jane."

Chris: I-I'm sorry. I think you got the wrong person. I don't know you.

As I turned to leave, she spoke:

"The girl you met earlier....she isn't Jane. I'm the real one. Why don't you recognize me?"

I started walking again towards my car. I didn't want to hear her. I didn't want to believe what she said.

I sat and drove back as her sleek figure kept getting smaller. I kept driving as the girl in front of me collapsed on her knees.

Confusion was all that was felt by me at that moment. My heart ached for leaving her like that. But her words made no sense.

I lay on my bed to get some sleep.

Chris: It can't be. I know Jane since college.

Without even realizing, tears welled in my eyes making my vision blurry. I ran a hand through my brown hair in frustration.

Chris: Ah...what's wrong with me?

Though it wasn't such a big deal....I couldn't control my tears and fell asleep while crying.

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