

My Thoughts is My Future.
An established businessman lived in an orphanage before the comfortable life he's enjoying at present. There he learned the value of enough is good enough and has to finish chores before he could eat. Continue the lines and come up with a touching story.
Drying the last of his dishes, looking out pass them chipped fences. He promised to make white one day. The more the sweat sat at his forehead, at the moldy window seal. Ms. Arnold said she a clean months ago. But here we are four weeks into June, and it grows strong. Trying to fix the smile, he knows that's drawn for the hard times. He had to clean through breakfast, to ease the aches in his stomach. he promised a never hurt again. the more he drag the bags to the porch, Hoping school a come quick. These cramps are only temporary, like these long nights. One day he's going to be strong enough to carry all these bags to the curve. he's gonna have a pantry full of foods. He wont have to ask permission to eat.
One day these wrinkles a be worth it. He scribbles in his journal, to keep these feeling strong in his mind. I went days with only three hours asleep, What's a few hours for a project deadline. What's a couple of miss meals for a interview, when I been weeks without. These scars didn't just build me, they turned me into that hard shoulder, open heart man. I often sat at the porch step, and stare off into the sunset. I thought a never bring me comfort sometimes. But here I am two dishes down, at the plants on my window seal. I can't help but water everyday. When he pulls back that tie, and smell that bacon. He didn't have to clean to earn. This was his kingdom. He made this home. He earned this lifestyle. He put everything until these walls. He promised he'll never let fall.
"you got the last of the paperwork filled out." "yep. and I didn't even have to break sleep. to do it." He looked at her reflrction from the window seal.
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