

Mystry of a dead man 1
This story is very interesting and mysterious story of a dead man who came alove after 20 years. This man was killed by villagers of khandipur village and now all the villagers believed that this man has came back to take revenge from villagers. After 2 days one girl was dissaperad from the village and her dead body was found outside the village, Pradeep named one person saw this and they informed to all the villagers about this, when villagers knew about this they immediately went outside the village and they called police. When police visited the spot they saw that girl was murderd brutly. Villagers told police that one man named raju was murderd by villagers before 20 years and that man has came to take revenge from villagers, police told them that these things are superstaious onece the man who dies never comes back but villagers told that his soul has came back to take revenge police was assured that something is wrong in this matter and something is missing.

Police wanted to know what is the problem and what is haopening in this village. On the next day police went to sarpanch and started asking questions aboit this story of that dead person who came back. Sarpanch told to police that this person was dead in 1990 and after that whoever newcomer comes in to the village he kills everyone. last two persons came in this village that same night their dead bodies were found near the well.

Next part will come soon....................

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