

Chapter 3

We walked into the cottage, the creaky floor sang with its horrible voice after every footsteps. I closed my eyes as tight as I can, breathing like a bee before I see my bedroom.
"Lilian?" Mom's voice suddenly pulled me out of the bee breath. But I didn't open my eyes, waiting to heard mom's cold-shoulder comment.
"Oh my god! It's so beautiful!" I heard mom exclaimed, couldn't believed she would say such a thing, so I slowly opened my eyes like I was peeking something, then slowly slowly became wider and bigger.
"..." What could I say?
The entire room is decorated by colorful flowers and dazzling tiny lights, the bed sheet is light pink and one is strawberry red. Most important-a glass wall. I walked closer, outside the wall is a strawberry filed, lush leaves holding bunch of lovely red strawberries with a long column. The rain was clearly visible, shines under the heat sun like a lot of ruby was wink at me. On the other hand I noticed something, a truck with a lot of strawberries came in, a cardboard cleary wrote '3$ per pound'. I kept glancing at the glass wall, didn't want Aunty Emily sees my enjoyable face and I didn't want to admit this is good then what I thought before.
"Looks like you enjoy the landscape." Aunty Emily said, broke the quite.
"...No... I don't." I suddenly reacted, repeated it like the cat got my tongue.
"What's that truck?" I tried to changed the subject.
"Yeah,I noticed too, so many strawberries." Mom plugged in.
"...We usually drive to the town and sold the strawberries, but..." Aunty Emily began.
"There was a flood a few years ago, in recent years, plants have been severely lacking water, we tried our best to plant the best strawberry, but someone have some more welcome strawberry varieties, so our performance is slowly declining... "She continued, looked at the side of that white and blue villa with a sad eyes. disappointed,those kind of fresh and sunny gone on her face, now it looks more like gloomy.
"Why you didn't tell me Emily? I would like to help if you don't mind. " Mom said.
"And Lilian, too." Mom added.
"Me? Are you Kidd..."
"She would like to help!" Mom said with a massive loud voice, tried to covered my sound.
"Thank you."
With a strong wind blow throughed the strawberry filed, the lovely strawberries was shaking but not falling. Our strawberry journey begins...